May 10, 2006
i'm so clever
Dork it up with me by LOLing in your room as you read this email exchange. Names changed to protect the innocent.
Email I received
Hey everyone!
So... if you're getting this email, it means you're invited to Sally's wedding!! Hurrah! And if you're not invited, then just ignore it. Hah, I'm such a joker. If you never got a "save-the-date", please let me know and I'll figure out what happened. Bob and Sally really want to see you on July 2nd!
Anyway, we're all moving on into summer and that may mean that mailing addresses will change! If you ARE going to have a change of address email me back to let me know what it is! If you delay, you may not get a fancy shmancy invitation!
Ok, that's all!
Jane Doe
My response:
my summer address as requested:
5 old capital way
osgiliath, gondor
ta ta, hope you're doing well!
Response to my email:
is that a real place? what's the zip?
jane doe
My response:
ARE YOU NOT A LORD OF THE RINGS FAN?????????? ????????????????????????? ?????????????????????????? ???????????????????????????????????????????????????????
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