I found out Chuck Klosterman released another book when I went to Borders to go hit on chicks (HAH, kidding). It's been a great read so far; any students of pop culture and pointless insights into bands will enjoy it greatly. I also highly recommend Sex, Drugs, and Cocoa Puffs, a book of random essays.

I just got back from bowling with Bert and Linda: 3 games above 100! Huzzah! (I am a bowling newblar).

It feels slightly weird being back - I find myself falling into the same traps as I used to when I lived in NC: buying used DVDs from Blockbuster, late night runs to Wendy's, staying up late watching movies ... even when I felt like I wasn't doing much in San Diego, I was doing a lot (compared to here).

Funny how that is.

Thought of the day: human society progresses to allow individuals to becomes their own gods.

Posted by roy on November 19, 2007 at 09:29 PM in Ramblings | Add a comment

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