past crushes
Do you ever wonder what your old crushes are up to (from the early college years + high school era)? One of my high school crushes (JC) is on Facebook, the other two (YK/OP) are on Friendster. I wonder how they're all doing. Unfortunately, their profiles are rather lacking in any information.
. . .
This is really a shot in the dark, but does anybody else remember the Verve Pipe's "Freshmen" music video? I remember the video being one continuous shot around the singer in the middle of the room, but the only videos I can find are like this:
I feel like I'm taking crazy pills here. Am I mixing it up with something else? (I remember Semisonic's "Closing Time" had the split continuous shot and Jamiroquai had the semi-continuous shot "Virtual Insanity", but I thought the Verve Pipe had done it as well...
Help me!
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