fun friday
The most innovative, best Flash game ever made: Don't Shoot the Puppy. Incredibly funny.
For 2 days now, I've been transferring files to Amazon's S3 service; rest assured that your image files are now being safely backed up on Amazon's redundant, reliable system.
I still haven't decided whether to move all the images you actually see on the site to Amazon's S3 yet. I do think, however, I will move media files over to S3 for the time being.
There are going to be HUGE upgrades to image limits to Tabulas in about a week or so - we're looking at something like 100 images per free account and 1500 images per patron account for the immediate future. In the long term, it's very possible that the patron limit will be something nearly unlimited (I hate using that term) - something on the level fo 10,000 images per patron account. This is, of course, all assuming that I manage to release tools that can effectively manage that many images.
I'm happy though. I got my paycheck today, paid off my March credit card bill (which was abnormally large) and my charges on this month to date (I just like to see that $0.00 balance). It's Friday, V for Vendetta is out in theaters, and the weather is beautiful :). Now if I just head-over-heels in love with a girl, wouldn't that be the perfect way to end this week? ;)
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andrew (guest)
