I was going to update Tabulas' home page with the new design after I was done with my job work today. When I was testing stuff on the new server, I noticed that the current server only had PHP 4.2, which is incredibly outdated. Unfortunately, I'm also running Ensim 3.1.x which is finicky with its packages... so after trying to get PHP 4.4 installed, I gave up.

This led to me reviewing the current main server; currently the only sites on there are two sites I host (which could be offloaded onto more recent servers), tabulas.com, and a crapload of DNS entries. Generally speaking, I'm paying roughly $110/month for a poorly managed DNS solution.

So I've been looking around for a centralized DNS solution, and I found DNSPark. They sound pretty cool - I'm going to sign up and try them out for a random domain name; if they're good, I'll shift audiomatch and Tabulas over to them since DNS is pretty "mission-critical" stuff that I wouldn't trust with an untrained monkey (me) on any *nix system.

I've also been starting to shift stuff off of this server (jaymee.org, etc.) so I can shut down this old server. Hopefully by end of February I can phase this server out.

Now that I've gone around on this four-hour loop, it's time I get back to the immediate task at hand - updating the Tabulas home page.


Currently listening to: Metric - Dead Disco
Posted by roy on January 17, 2006 at 09:31 PM in Tabulas | 4 Comments

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Comment posted on January 18th, 2006 at 01:37 AM
OMG! Is that like, the first time in 2 years that you've even typed the word "Jaymee"?
Comment posted on January 18th, 2006 at 02:21 AM
Honestly, I wonder how she's doing. Her career seems to have toned down a bit.
Comment posted on January 18th, 2006 at 02:26 AM
toned down? have you even been visiting the site?
Comment posted on January 18th, 2006 at 02:57 AM
Ok, so I didn't read too carefully.

Maybe one of these days I'll clean that site up.

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