My dad saw that picture while I was reading tabulas. He asked me who that crazy looking kid was. I told him, "Father, that right there is the sexiest man alive." Okay, not really, but you get the point.
it should be noted that the sexy helmet and sexy glasses are both mine. what this means is that in fact, i provided you with the means to be sexy. and by that train of thought, it would imply that i am the provider of sexiness. thus... i don't think i need to go on any further, you get the point. i'm too sexy for my words.
why do you have to state the obvious? notice i only became sexy after that day when donald caught us dressed exactly the same. it's quite obvious that the day he called me out ... was the day it allturned around for me.
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captain america, is that you?
Ben* (guest)


why do you have to state the obvious? notice i only became sexy after that day when donald caught us dressed exactly the same. it's quite obvious that the day he called me out ... was the day it allturned around for me.