best line ever
"I'm not a businessman / I'm a business, man" - Jay-Z
Deep insights about building a business - it's all about the cult personality. You build the business around the idea of a person. The question is, does creating an image of a person change the person? I've made a strong effort to not let my work influence my personal life - even getting to a point where I simply don't tell people anything at all about what I really do.
The question is, when you finally accept the fact that "roy" = "tabulas" and promote this idea to people, what happens when "roy" moves on?
This is a one-man operation, but reading middle_aged's recent post about his one-man email operation shutting down makes me want to make Tabulas ... something more permanent.
For now, all I know is the "roy" is Tabulas' advantage.
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"Roy"="A masterpiece in the making!"
