November 1, 2005
my halloween
While hanging at W.B. Yeats with Ignatius, we saw a drunk girl dressed (?) in revealing clothing (Ignatius surmised that she was dressed up as a "slut," which is a dissappointingly unoriginal costume), crying on the shoulder of a scantily clad fairy boy who was shorter than her.
Only on Halloween.
Thanks to ig for uploading the proof:
(Taken with his cameraphone)
We also have one helluva brainboggler later, once I get time to photoshop the situation.
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We also saw a sicko car accident, rather, the aftermath thereof. A taxi van was in mid swerve from the left lane going up Franklin Street, it's nose pounding the driver's side of a car evidently going the opposite direction, much in the manner of Flipper nailing a shark. The two were perpendicular.
I can only imagine that the taxi driver had been distracted by an unruly passenger, troubles at home, or an unwieldy 40 and swerved into oncoming traffic. The red car, in an evasive attempt, itself swerved to the right, exposing its starboard flank. Impact further distorted its trajectory.