the tabulas boogeyman
The Tabulas boogeyman will get you if you leave Tabulas (that helmet was modelled after the Roman legions in England ... I was SO tempted to buy it at $275... but I wussed out :(
I'm really loving my cell phone. Although the camera lacks some basic stuff (I really wish I could figure out how to use the spot photometry so I can meter the image better), it's capable of taking some pretty cool pictures:
I can't wait to see how nice the cameras get in the future.
I've now gone through these cameras:
Pentax Optio S: Very small. That's about the only thing I really liked about it... I had various metering problems and such ... and battery life seems really weak. I didn't use this camera all too much, but I really wasn't impressed by it. I gave it to my sister, who promptly lost it.
Fuji Finepix 6900: I bought this sucker when most digital cameras were still within the 1-2MP range; luckily I unloaded this sucker for about 80% of its value a year later. I really actually enjoyed this camera; exposures with this camera were very distinctive in colors. I took all pictures from the Chapel Hill gallery with this camera; I'm not sure I could have achieved my favorite picture of all time with any other camera:
Unfortunately I had no concept of taking "large" pictures (this was back when mem card were super expensive), so all my exposures from Chapel Hill were taken at 1024x768 (roughly) ... so no large prints were possible:(. I've actually been quite tempted to pick this camera back up on eBay and relive the past with it. It was my first camera ... so it was quite special :)
I still have my Canon G5, but I haven't used it too often since Korea 2004. In all honesty, I still feel that this is a very good camera... it has a GREAT balance between features and size, and it just FEELS right ... but the damn thing is a bit too heavy to carry around with me casually. And if I'm going to carry around a real camera, I might as well carry around my Elan 7 with my 50mm/1.4 so I can get high shutter speeds in low light (which the G5 is not very good at handling).
Of course, you still cannot beat film cameras in terms of feel. There's just a feel to pictures taken on tri-x or velvia films that you cannot replicate with digital cameras; pictures from digital cameras seem so ... flat. I'm still deeply in love with my Canon Elan 7 and my Yashica T5D (arguably the best consumer point and shoot - of course it's no longer in production - although I thought I read something a few months ago about how they were bringing it back?). I'm much too poor to afford film nowadays, but I will forever have all my positives and negatives from my Summer 2002 gallery from Korea and Vietnam :)
My last "new" camera purchase, the Polaroid 680, is responsible for the funniest poker gallery in the world (which would be impossible to replicate with digital!). There was a real feeling of satisfaction in actually seeing the prints and getting them scanned (into a SCANNER!). Welcome to 1998!
Of course, this camera opens us up to "real" recursive pictures:
And completely random, but here's something to kill more time on a Monday morning (if you've been clicking every link): People who love Calvin and Hobbes way too much, which is basically pictures of people doing this:
Concept was by Linda :)
Um ok. Have a great Monday!
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WillR (guest)

WillR (guest)




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i didn't think that concept would get this popular, people always tell me how they see that picture of my lil bro on their friend's xanga and stuff... pretty crazy. he's like a celebrity now. i'm just waiting for that day when we go to some korean market and some random korean teenager comes up to him and goes, "hey, aren't you the kid who copied those pictures of calvin?"