It's 4:10AM. I've been hacking away at [censored], the new project, since roughly 8pm. To say that tonight was produtive would be the biggest understatement ever. I'm dizzy from the whirlwhind of activity, but I'm feeling this great emotional high.
The concept was fully developed on the 20th. Starting the 21st, I got things rolling with Yush ... and I began writing some of the spaghetti code that would power the site. It's only been six days, and the amount of work we've accomplished is nothing short of amazing.
When I talked to Yush before I left for CALL this weekend, I told him that we were going to launch within a month. This was an incredibly optimistic timeline for the site (given the amount of bureacratic work/non-computer manual labor required PLUS the fact I work full-time) ... but I went over the stuff we've done today with what's left, and it's all within schedule. Barring any huge setbacks (knock on wood) ... this is totally within reason.
Of course, this post really means nothing to everybody reading it (except Yush) because you had no idea the scope of the site. But hopefully soon you will know. And you will MAYBE say, "Wow, that is pretty damn cool."
Hopefully. But for now, I gotta pass out.
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is this your "big secret"?


ben mappen (guest)