September 19, 2005
controversy at unc
"I want all Arabs to be stripped naked and cavity-searched if they get within 100 yards of an airport. I don’t care if they’re being inconvenienced. I don’t care if it seems as though their rights are being violated. I care about my life. I care about the lives of my family and friends."
It's unfortunate this wasn't a satirical piece; that would have been a very effective argument. The writer of this op-ed, Jillian Bandes, was dismissed from the DTH staff after they found out that her quotes were twisted out of context.
. . .
Songs I'm digging right now:
- Kanye West - Jesus walks
- Kanye West - Sierra Leone diamonds
- DMX - Walk these dogs
- The Arcade Fire - Neighborhood #1 (Tunnels)
- Maximo Park - Apply some pressure
I purchased Ashlee Simpson's latest single ("Boyfriend") and was a bit dissappointed. I'm hoping the rest of her album is better than her single...
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"Diamonds are foreva~~~"
I can't believe Ashless Simpson has the gall to come out with another album after what happened this past year.

ghost_tree (guest)