As much as I enjoy going out, I finally needed a day off just for myself today. I knew things were bad last night when I actually felt close to detesting the thought of going out - I had stayed out pretty last Tuesday and Thursday night (super high-energy friend is in town!), and I had gone biking for the first time in months Wednesday ... all while running on about 5 hours of sleep and having pretty stressful days at work.

So for the first time in perhaps weeks, I fell asleep before 2am (130 last night!) after watching the Island (enjoyable movie, and Scarlett Johhanson is gorgeous), I woke up at 7am .... stupid body. I hate it when your body adjusts to getting no sleep at all, so you can't even get a full night's sleep. I fell back asleep and woke up at 930 (since Han and I were gonna hit the trails around 1030). However, my car was all screwed up (park release is borked), so I had to drop the car off at the shop ... then went biking with Han.

I came back, showered, and fell asleep, intending only to take a short nap as Nasty Nate is in town. Unfortunately I woke up at 716 PM (odd thing: I woke up, and thought, "Oh crap it's like 715 PM") and so I missed dinner with them. But I feel incredibly rested right now. I'll probably get to doing some Tabulas hacking tonight, because things have been progressing very slowly on that front for a variety of reasons that I'll get into later.

Posted by roy on August 13, 2005 at 06:36 PM in Ramblings | Add a comment

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