i win!
Finally, my years of masquerading as a student are finally over, as I got this from the mailman today:
What's truly amusing is that I pulled this off with the lowest possible GPA possible, which I hope is a school record. I graduated 7/1000 of a point above the minimum requirements, which was largely the result of me going down the wrong academic path. I was pushing for a BS in Chemistry, when I finally woke up during junior year and asked, "What am I going to be doing with a chemistry degree that is making this all worth it?" The answer, obviously, is "Nothing." So I copped out and just got a BA in Chemistry and a BA in Economics (Economics is one of those courses they should encourage everybody to take cause it is truly fascinating, although the real-world value that it holds is somewhat questionable since everything is based on theoretical "pure" models which can never exist).
What an accomplishment (Not).
. . .
But it all wasn't a wasted experience. Fortunately for me, I still have my UNC OneCard (ID). This saves a whopping $1.75 everytime I go to the theaters ($8.50 for a normal movie ticket, $6.75 with a student ID). As far as Southpoint Movies is concerned, I never graduated.
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lillia (guest)
hahaha congrats man. now you can finally put that science degree to good use.

MacDaddyTatsu (guest)



Angela (guest)
I am not sure if you remember me or not. I was wondering if you still do the photography thing... if so I was wondering what your thoughts on some of the prosumer digital cameras out there. I'm thinking of purchasing one under 1000, but I guess since I haven't done that much looking around I wasn't sure if the Nikon D100 is still good? Thanks!