What a Saturday. Last night, watched the Wedding Crashers, which I thought was absolutely HILARIOUS. The movie has also led me to become enamored with Rachel McAdams, which means that I will soon be renting The Hot Chick and The Notebook quite shortly. I woke up roughly around 230pm today, taking full advantage of the fact that I didn't have work. I'm fortunate enough right now of being free from responsibilities which would normally force me to wake up early on Saturdays.
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Han has a wonderful postulate (theory, whatever) that basically states: "Your stomach is not directly wired to your brain. Therefore, when you eat, the effects of eating are not immediately noticeable." The reason I bring up this postulate is I found myself at Taco Bell (my absolute favorite place to eat), standing in line to buy more soft tacos after consuming two soft tacos and two hard tacos (I love combo #8!). Almost immediately after sitting down to consume these two tacos, my brain suddenly said, "Oh Roy. This is a HUUUGEE mistake." But being prideful, I forced them down. I now find myself at Barnes and Noble, feeling quite uncomfortable. If this had been a healthy dinner, I wouldn't worry so much ... but I fear for the people around me. Luckily I'm sitting somewhat isolated from the main group ... sooooooo...........
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Being a freshman at college was a horrifying experience for me. I've never been the most gregarious character, so meeting new friends was quite difficult. However, one of the huge upsides of being a freshman in college was that you weren't expected to have any friends. So during those first three weeks at Lenoir Dining Hall at Carolina, it was OK to ask people if you could sit with them and eat. Unfortunately sophomores, juniors and seniors couldn't engage in this activity ... because why the hell don't you have any friends by that time?
I remember always having a "Lenoir buddy." These people were people you'd see constantly at Lenoir dining hall during your designated breakfast/lunch breaks ... other people who shared your schedule. There was one person in particular, Jeff, whom I would sit with and eat everytime I saw him. We didn't share anything in particular (except maybe taste in girls, because he ended up dating my freshman year crush!), but we always had the most random conversations during our Lenoir meetings.
I bring this up now because there is a Duke med school student who I keep running into at Barnes and Noble. Normally this wouldn't be anything to note, since there is a group of people who are "regulars" here, except I saw this guy at Taco Bell today as well! What a coincidence. So perhaps hes me, had I stuck with school and gone the medical school route. I shall name him... "Leroy."
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Reason number 1 to not wear sandals in the summertime: Getting bit on the bottom of your feet is HORRIBLE.
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