Tabulas stuff
Tabulas has been dying a slow death. The mySQL database server (1.3Ghz Celeron w/ 512MB RAM) cannot handle the large amount of data (~1.8GB) as well as the amount of traffic that Tabulas requires. Unfortunately, Tabulas has been crashing a lot because of this.
One of the tables got corrupted today, so I took the mySQL database down for some table repairs - it took about 20 minutes, but I think the database is good to go for at least another week.
A lot of the problems are the result of my lack of experience in proper database design - my latest work on the next generation of Tabulas will use a whole new database schema (which will consequently mean that Tabulas will have to be down for about a day whenever I make the switch) which will *hopefully* speed things up.
But eventually I'll need to throw hardware at this problem. So is a new database server looming in Tabulas' horizon? I sure hope so.
Just a general update, I guess, to let everyone know that Tabulas isn't dead. I've been working on backend stuff (rewriting the core libraries). Once I get all this backend stuff hacked out, I can start going through on the new featureset.
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i think i was the first one to think of that idea:
<a href=""></a>
that's my lil brother.
iono, maybe i didn't think of it first. ask ur friend linda if she saw it from somewhere else or if she thought of that incredibly ingenious idea all by herself.
tabulas rocks. thank you for creating it.

PM5K (guest)


I'll try to make my Tabulas less awesome so that maybe it will stop drawing huge amounts of traffic, extending Tabulas' life.
