I'm all peterd out.

. . .

Girls like passionate guys. I wonder if girls do this as some sort of sick self-esteem test; to see if they can land these guys and distract them from whatever makes them passionate. The one universal truth about the world is that girls are insecure with themselves: either about their physical looks or their mental abilities.

Posted by roy on April 11, 2005 at 10:46 PM in Ramblings | 9 Comments

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Comment posted on April 13th, 2005 at 11:40 AM
Hmmm, in my experience, sometimes the best people are those who are never satisfied with themselves, in the sense that they put energy and thought into becoming better people. If it's just about *MY* looks and *MY* brain, or, especially, *MY* social standing, however, people tend not to interest me.
The reason I like men (and women, although in very different ways) who are passionate about something is because an ability to take an interest in something outside of yourself, and to devote time to getting good at it, thinking about it, and so on.
On a little, utterly selfish level, I'm also just hoping that he'll feel that way about me too :)
Comment posted on April 13th, 2005 at 11:42 AM
Didn't finish sentence I see. Please insert.

...thinking about it, and so on, shows a level of engagement with life that I find very attractive in a friend or potential lover.
On a little....
Comment posted on April 12th, 2005 at 09:13 PM
The one universal truth about girls is that you can't trust 'em. And they're evil. And liars, that too.
Comment posted on April 12th, 2005 at 04:38 PM
I put the "ass" in passionate. Girls need to realize this.
Comment posted on April 12th, 2005 at 07:00 AM
"The one universal truth about the world is that girls are insecure with themselves: either about their physical looks or their mental abilities."

That is such an unfair statement and a horrible stereotype! For one thing, I'm satisfied with my physical appearance, even though I'm only five feet. =b Anyway, you know why most girls are insecure with their looks? It's because guys are always looking at their butt and chest. Do you see any girls ogling a guy's thing? ;)

And don't tell me you've never felt insecure about your "mental abilities" ever so often. =b Anyway, it's hard for some women to be successful and happy in a male dominant society. It's a lot easier for males to feel secure about themselves when they hear it all the time that they'll succeed growing up. Women, on the other hand, grow up knowing they'll have to work harder than the males to be as successful as them.

But you are right about the passionate thing. A lot of girls are attracted to passionate men, because it's nice to see a guy care about something so much. Who wants to date a lazy lump?
Comment posted on April 12th, 2005 at 08:16 AM
I call it my 'universal' truth because for the most part, it *is* true. Perhaps you're the exception to the rule, but I've never really met any girl who is completely satisfied with herself; she always feels the need that she could be somewhat 'improved.' Furthermore, I've had it in my experience that many girls are very passive-aggressive about their insecurity. They're so complex.

But you're right. I'm sure that there are many girls who are maybe completely secure with themselves both on a physical and mental level. But they are rare.

Guys are also very insecure ... but I've met many more guys than girls who are completely secure with who they are ... I really think it *is* society (as you say).

C'est la vie. :P
Comment posted on April 12th, 2005 at 04:53 PM
I concur.
Comment posted on April 12th, 2005 at 12:20 AM
Comment posted on April 12th, 2005 at 04:54 PM
...speaking of horrible stereotypes..