The ability to fly without wings is a recurring theme throughout my dreams. I don't fly like Superman ... I fly as if I'm "jumping" through space from one stepping stone to another.
Flying becomes a tiresome task, so sometimes I fly up as high as I can, then point straight drown so I parabolize down to the ground then fly back up. Sometimes I just glide down.
In this particular dream, I have rented out a house in the most gorgeous valley. My prose skills are not refined enough to describe the absolute beauty of this valley. The valley us surrounded by snow-capped mountains, but the area where the house is located has nothing but the greenest grass in the world - much like those wheat farms you see in the Midwest. I naturally decide to go exploring and start flying around the area. I decide after enjoying the scene that I should fly over the mountains to explore the surrounding area.
While flying, a huge gust of wind overcomes my flying ability, and I find myself having no control over where I go. I eventually run into a tree; I grab on for dear life, but no matter what I do, I can't turn myself upside down. I'm holding onto the top two branches (they form a Y), but i can't get my feet down to the tree so I can grapple my way down. People down below stare at me, but do nothing to help me. Eventually, I climb my way down the tree using my hands only; one when I do reach the ground can I stand right-side up again.
I see a city in the distance, so I fly over there. I decide that blending in is useless, so I continue to fly around the city, amazing those who see me. However, I get tired quite quickly so I decide to spend the night at a hotel.
The following morning, I continue exploring ... when I see this large giant forest separating the city in half. The forest is composed of mostly dead trees - huge craters dot the forest - these huge craters are old dead trees whose trunks had been torn away ... so only the hollow stumps remain.
I fly through the forest and end up on the other side of town. I meet all sorts of people and have the most random conversations with them. Then I realize that I should get back to my cabin in the valley, but I'm lost. I fly around desperately, trying to find someone who can understand me ... but nobody can.
I enter this skyscraper in order to get to the top to get a bearing on where I am. Perhaps I can see the mountain range...
When I get to the top, a jealous young man and a beautiful young woman are arguing. I interrupt them to ask where the hotel is - the girl points through the forests and tells me she can accompany me. The man is quite angry. The girl introduces herself as "Bolivious."
The man lunges after me ... before he can tackle me to the ground, I fly up, so he falls head-first in the cement. I take Bolivius' hand and quickly run out of the building.
We approach the forest of dead stumps and I start flying through the forest, while she walks beneath me. But suddenly, someone grabs me with a long elastic band. I look down, and it's this little gnome. Bolivious walks up to him [he is no bigger than a shoe].. and he quickly becomes distracted by her and starts humping her shoe like a dog[I realize this serious dream just got completely ridiculous]. This happens three more times ... and then we're out of the forest.
I feel so grateful towards Bolivious for offering herself like that to the gnomes, but she explains it's a common occurence for people who have to travel between the two sides of the city.
I thank her, and fly off towards the now visible mountain range. For some reason, trouble and loneliness plague my soul. I woke up feeling quite sad. I wanted to learn more about this Bolivious character. One could sense that she had a strong character and a life story worth listening to...
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dorie (guest)

Haha I can never remember my dreams xP