February 26, 2005
Wouldn't it be cruel?
I was out to dinner last night with Borst, Neeraj and James [Neeraj is in town for some concert].
Besides catching up on what those fools have been up to, the conversation turned to blogging and Tabulas. Borst and Neeraj both admitted to reading my blog, but they would flat-out skip any poker entries.
Wouldn't it be cruel if I started a really deep post with a poker reference, then break the entry so they would skip it?
Or even better, it could be a Borst and Neeraj filter! I could talk junk about them behind the break... and they would *never* know.
I have the feeling they're going to start reading my poker entries now :o)
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PM5K (guest)

I just skim them....
Well, I read your poker entries, but I don't know all the lingo of poker so often I am left very confused... but this way I guess I can catch your deep stuff! :D



and your poker entries are fucking boring, deal with it ;)