On Privacy
Why won't people leave poor Paris Hilton alone? First she got her poor Blackberry hacked. Now apparently her Sidekick has been hacked. This time, the damage is more severe as her personal notes and the phone numbers for various celebrities have all been posted online (as well as a bunch of not-safe-for-work pictures).
I find it pathetic that people need to go through such lengths to violate the privacy of others. If there were some higher ideal here (the truth of something important perhaps) this would be justifiable, but this is pure tabloid crap. It makes me sick.
The obsession with celebrities is also amazing to me. I have no issues with examining celebrities if they open up to the world (ala Newlyweds, an awesome show), but to bother celebrities in their day-to-day business is ridiculous. Why are we so obsessed with celebrities as a culture?
In any case, I hope whoever's fault this is pays big. I'm guessing it's TMobile. How could you let all that information leak? Not only have you pissed off your number one spokeswoman, but you've managed to alienate tons of celebrities who don't their information is safe with that service.
(Heh heh heh *cough cough* Tabulas XSS exploit *cough cough*)
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apparently vin diesel's voice mail is..
"Hi, you have reached Vin Diesel's voicemail. He is a bad actor and a duschebag. Please leave a message."

phineyae (guest)
They should leave her alone.
Yes it's t-mobile. Somebody gave me a link to a site that was a mirror of parishiltontmobile.com or something like that. It claimed the data was socially enginereed..
Just thought you might be intrested to know.
PM5K (guest)

ghost_tree (guest)
Quite frankly, it escapes me either. She's definitely not the most charismatic celebrity there is, plus I find her lack of talent extremely boring. Yes, BORING.
Plus her head is too small for her body.
well, paris is quite popular here. she's a fashion icon. though i think she's one of the worst dressed ever. look at her, she's an heiress and yet the way she dresses and her attitude is like contrary to being an heiress.