February 7, 2005
Do not sign up for Napster. Their ad in the Super Bowl is very misleading. Sure, you can download millions of songs for $15/month, but once you cancel your subscription you cannot play your songs anymore. You MUST maintain your subscription to continue listening to your songs.
This is the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard of - we have to "rent" music now? The music industry has some weird notion that because it's the internet, they can treat music differently. Wrong. Once I buy a CD, I don't want to continue paying for it on a monthly basis just to listen to it.
Don't use Napster. This is just another step that the business status quo is attempting to push onto our society to stifle innovation.
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hegemon (guest)


You COULD always capture audio as it goes to your soundcard. There are programs that basically capture the analog audio stream and output it to an mp3 file. Of course you lose quality that way. I haven't tried it myself to test the quality, but I'd think it wouldn't be that good.


On a side note:
- You don't have a tag board?
- Any news regarding my email?