On kids
I'm not sure what it is, but I've been thinking a lot about kids these days. Not having them in the near future, of course (I'm still a bit too young) ... but I like to think of my future family.
Ideally I'd want four kids of my own with my awesome wife ... and then adopt two kids after I have my four kids. It would be grand to have my first two kids be boys within two years apart ... then I have the next two kids about 4-5 years after the two brothers ... the next two being sisters.
I've always been quite fond of the older brother - younger sister dynamic (speaking from personal experience). Plus girls have always told me they want an older brother ... and girls with older brothers always tend to be a bit less naive about boys in general. So I think it's crucial that I have the older brother - younger sister dynamic in my family. Now, I like to pair the kids because I also really respect the dynamics of the families with two sisters (who aren't that far apart in age). They always seem to be very close and can rely on each other when they need it. And two brothers who are close in age ... well... can we just say brotherly rivalry? It's a lovely thing! :)
Adopting two kids will largely probably be out of respect for my wife (imagine asking a woman to get pregnant one...two...three...four... five/six? even i'm realistic!) ... but also because there are so many orphaned kids who need it. Ideally I could adopt a brother/sister so they could remain close while joining the family. I would want them to be on the younger side (no babies, please) rather than the older side ... because good behavior needs to be hammered in at an early age.
But do you know how tough it is to even be financially well off to a point where you could do this? Or even find a girl who would go along with this plan? Given my high standards for girls (at least I think I have high standards) ... it's a tough sell to tell a girl that I want 4 kids.
Man, I'm never gonna find a girl. I'm going to be lucky enough to trick a girl looking like this:
... much less hold a girl to my high standards. haha.
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oh, and thank you for thinking up tabulas. this has definitely changed my world.




i wonder if there are girls willing to have four kids....nowadays...
Good plan I guess... I'm not at that age of planning that stuff. Planning the girlfriend part first haha.
Hopefully before your plan starts my site will come back to life? ^^