server plans
This is kind of a quick note for myself more than anything.
Dare I jinx anything, I want to tentatively say that I got the Tabulas 2.0 templating engine done. Now all I have to do is fix up the various small bugs in the CP that I've found (a few missing features) and get the new templates up (I've been using a test default template for the time being) and I should be able to launch 2.0!
For the curious, you can access the new templating engine from the url: (just add in your username like usual). It seems a lot faster, but most of the beautiful changes are the stuff you can't see; better scripting and better memory management (uh, in PHP... right...).
My server consolidation plans:
Server 1, currently the old primary server also serves up Once I get 2.0 off, Tabulas will come off. Since I've also been kicking off, it will become pretty fast and won't have anything heavy on it. I am going to purchase a new server from EV1Servers to replace this one (2.0GHz/1gig RAM/2 80gb HD). This new server will serve as the new temporary Tabulas/Audiomatch DB server, hosting home for all old members who made the Tier 2 cut,, and the two or three sites I host for paid services. This server will also serve as my main DNS server ( and will both resolve here) (Cost: +$50/month)
Server 2, currently the home for, a few paid hosts, and the Tabulas DB will no longer be used (-$100/month) as the consolidation will be done on the new servers
Server 3 is currently the data storage servers for Tabulas. No plans are in to replace these yet (+$100).
Server 4 is the current outputting/ DB/Tabulas development server. This whole server will be scrapped to move the whole system over to a new server with similar specs to the new NP server. This new server will serve as the new templating engine for Tabulas (the output for each individual site) as well as the temporary home for the data storage servers. (+$50)
If I can get some more money somehow, I'll buy a new server just for the sole purpose of data storage (which is the way it should be).
To save on billing charges, I'm going to do all these moves in a matter of a week right before I'm billed on January 20th-ish. I'll move NP first (high priority with the DNS...) once that resolves I'll move the other stuff around.
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MacDaddyTatsu (guest)
THis only tells me that you have been slacking in the past and I will now expect...NE DEMAND, this level of cool from you on all fronts from now on!
One quick thing: Is it supposed to let the google ads...just hang like this:
<a href=""></a>
They sort of just dangle there. ;D



MacDaddyTatsu (guest)
Click <a href="">THIS</a> and be introduced to the splender!