Dec 5, 2004
I just had a dream, and I woke up utterly depressed. Here it goes:
I'm back at home (my age, not flashback or anything) But we're at our old house, not in our new house. My mom keeps asking me to go this dinner party (Christmas-time), but I keep refusing. My sister starts getting somewhat dissappointed about this. For some reason, my mom is trying to find me a "date" (maybe cause I'm getting old?). She invites this girl over who's supposed to "persuade" me to come over to this dinner party. I know for a fact that this dinner party is going to have at least 8 girls my age with no guys. But I still refuse to go.
During this time, I see to have an aside where I see someone I know (D. Chun) talk to me about his life experiences. But time is running out, and he tells me to visit his website at a new blogging service called TazNetwork. He refuses to give me his username, and I go searching for it with this girl. We soon find his site ... but I never get to read it.
I get angry at my parents and this girl who keeps bothering me, so I decide to leave home and clear my head. I go for a train ride, but somehow end up in London. I follow (it seems I'm not really a protagonist anymore) this hapless man who is constantly ignored by everybody. He keeps getting hit by cars, but no one notices or cares. One time, he falls into the canal and starts heading for the waterfall, but no one even looks to help. I ask a gentleman (who looks like Prince Charles) for his umbrella so I can pull the guy out of the river, but he denies me. An umbrella suddenly appears in my hand, and I pull the guy out of the river with the help of some passerbys. I feel good.
I'm suddenly waiting for the subway in Korea. A little child falls into the tracks, and again the same situation arises as with the guy above. But this time, everyone wants to help. We pull the kid out, and we're all happy. The train approaches. But instead of going on the track, it comes out on the floor... and it's a miniature size train. I would say it's about roughly a third of my size. Everyone is confused about how to ride this train... somehow we all know that we have to write our name and whether we've "arrived at our location." Everyone writes, "Yes, I've arrived," but for some reason, I've written "No, I have not arrived."
Everyone then puts their little slip of paper on the train ... but I haven't. The train starts leaving, and as it leaves it the train starts growing in size, and people start dissappearing from where they're standing and they're transported into the train. I realize that the slip of paper is still in my hand ... but I decide to try to jump on the train and see if I can pry my way in. After a few harrowing minutes of hanging on for dear life, I do manage to get into the train. I see people I know in my life on the train, and they're all sleeping. I sit down ... and fall asleep.
I wake up at a "new" version of Disneyworld. My friends and I get off a rollercoaster ride (train became a rollercoaster, I guess) and I ask them what they thought of everything. They reply, "Oh here comes Roy, reading to bitch about something again." Apparently my presence is not tolerated well by my "friends;" I've become an utter asshole and I whine about everything. I get the feeling they don't like me, and I get the feeling that I've been raised as a total spoiled brat. Suddenly I'm very depressed, because I have a flashback and my parents were not the great parents they are now, but instead they are rich bastards who just threw money at me and never properly nurtured me. The flashback features some futuristic car, so I ask my friends what year it is. It's the year 2200. I get the feeling that my "friends" are only hanging out with me due to necessity, and I leave.
I find a gift store, and I wander in. Apparently in the future, gift stores have huge computer software sections, so I look. I then notice my "friends" on the cover of a computer game. The game reads, "Virtual Friends." Apparently the "friends" I have were not real - they are figments from some software that manifests itself in the real world. I'm suddenly depressed.
I'm no longer stuck in the time period that I know, and everyone I know is dead. Furthermore, I'm not surrounded by real people who know me, and I'm a rich spoiled bastard. I miss my family and my friends ... and I don't know what to do.
I ask for a taxi ... which comes ... and then it just starts driving away, and as it drives away, I see everyone I knew standing there, looking at me, waving goodbye...
Feel free to offer your interpretations. I have a pretty good idea what this is about, but I'm just feeling a bit weird to be posting them online right now. Maybe later.
. . .
I just spent ... 6 hours reading up on one thing and trying out a new feature for Tabulas. And now I just deleted it all (on purpose). This is frustrating. Someone shoot me, please.
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MacDaddyTatsu (guest)
Scene one- you may be gay.
Scene two- the man is Pete in thirty years.
Scene three- you're a perfectionist, and you're not easily satisfied, but you also don't want to be an outcast because of it.
Scene four- you've been feeling like getting away lately, maybe living somewhere else, but you're afraid of what will await you there, that the place and the people may be worse than what you have now. There seems to be a big travel motif throughout the whole dream, anyway.

I think your dream symbolizes man's struggle against oppresion. But I failed Psychology, so what do I know?
RoyKim (guest)