First off, let me say that I just spent most of tonight starting to fully integrate billing with PayPal so it's all automated. So far I've basically had to e-mail everyone who upgrades their account and manually upgrade their accounts ...

It's been a really long time since I've done something as complex as this, and it really showed how long I've been "out of it." But I got subscriptions automated so people can automatically get their accounts upgraded when they update with PayPal. I've also gotten PayPal renewals working, so that's great. Now I have to build the account demotion feature as well as sorting through the tons of lapsed subscriptions and demoting those accounts. Fun times ahead for me.

Wow, I really wish I had more foresight earlier on. I used to hapharzardly keep track of all paid accounts and now it's biting me in the butt. I had go to PayPal to download my subscriptions history and then manually crosscheck all paid accounts to see which were expired, etc. etc. Phew, but I think I'm done for now.

Every day, I'm one step closer for automating most of the menial functions for Tabulas so I can focus on the higher-level stuff (like more features!). Computers are great.

I did set-up the queue for account deletion so you can actually delete accounts now.

Posted by roy on October 30, 2004 at 08:48 AM in Tabulas | 1 Comments

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Comment posted on October 30th, 2004 at 09:01 AM
Account deletion is Tabulas' most useful feature yet!

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