Important first note: Happy 21st to Ryan. (Let's see if he actually reads this thing). I have also decided on a nickname for Ryan (he's been dying for one since EVERYONE has one in our little poker clique). Ryan is officially now known as... Terminator. We'll try this one out. Ryan has eliminated me the last three times in the Tuesday night games. I just cannot play against his style. I think Yush also got bit by the same bug cause he played a very similar style against Terrence in their heads-up match (Yush picked up his first yellow chip! Congrats to Yush!)...

. . .

Do not fret!

I have decided that I will not vote in this election. I do not feel that I align on domestic Bush issues to vote for him (although I do like his foreign policies). I also really dislike Kerry, so I will not vote for him. What I AM doing is giving you Kerry supporters a chance to capture the oh-so-pink-state of NC ... I am one less vote you have to contend with (if I was told I had to pick one, I would pick Bush).

And I swear, this has nothing to do with the fact that: (a) I was too lazy to buy a stamp to post my voter registration or (b) I wouldn't wake up on a friggin November morning to spend three hours voting.

If you feel the same way I do (Bush sucks, but Kerry sucks more, but Bush doesn't deserve me vote), I also urge you to stay in an NOT VOTE. We can all sleep in and dream of sugar plums and puppies frolicking in verdant valleys or something ridiculous like that.

I don't care what Sean Penn says, Matt and Trey are right: There is absolutely no shame in not voting.

Posted by roy on October 29, 2004 at 03:47 AM in Ramblings | 7 Comments

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Comment posted on October 29th, 2004 at 11:41 AM
There is shame in not voting if it's due to laziness. Some people just refuse to take any kind of effort to learn about issues and vote.

Anyway, I don't think Kerry is perfect, but voting for a president seems like one of those decisions that I should and must make. Sometimes you get stuck with two really sucky choices, but you still have to make a choice. Atleast that's what I think. =b

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Comment posted on October 30th, 2004 at 06:12 AM
<em>There is shame in not voting if it's due to laziness. Some people just refuse to take any kind of effort to learn about issues and vote.</em>

Most definitely true. I just take offense against people who want everyone to pick a side and vote for someone ... as if my stance of non-voting is less patriotic or something ridiculous like that.
Comment posted on October 29th, 2004 at 08:47 AM
I disagree roy. You vote for OTHER Things that effect you. I just won't be voting for presidency. I'll be voting for/against other issues like the continued efforts to expand indian casino gambling (against), or legalizing stem cell research (for).

and if that isn't enough.. you could always go join Peta. =P watch the most recent south park episode
Comment posted on October 30th, 2004 at 06:14 AM
I just don't like this system of "packaged politicians." It's like I have to take this assreaming of crappy laws (Patriot Act, No Child Left Behind) along with the policies I do want to see (clear foreign policies).

Anonymous (guest)

Comment posted on October 29th, 2004 at 06:27 AM
I wish I could do what I did in high school...

During our senior year, when it was time to choose a school president, a friend of mine and I placed avertisements "Vote Biff" all over the school. We even sneaked a plug for him on the overhead announcements. Eventually, the "Vote Biff" movement was being propagated by people we didn't even know.

Since the ballots did allow a write-in at the time, we got 12% of the vote, mostly from underclassmen, even though Biff DIDN'T EXIST. Nobody questioned why he wasn't in the debates, or why he had no platform, or why he was never seen.
Comment posted on October 29th, 2004 at 06:27 AM
Crap... for the record, that was me. Why doesn't the radio button change when I do type in my name and password?
Comment posted on October 29th, 2004 at 04:10 AM
You basically vote for the person you like, and since you don't like any of the candidates, it's just right not to vote for any of them. How about Nader? lol ;)