Today at 5:38AM: Curses. I just deleted the last hour of work. Curses!

Today at 6:40AM: Fixed those gosh-darned bugs within the XML API that I put up yesterday; implemented the OPML API.

Today at 6:45AM: Realized that I forgot to implement the FOAF API.

Today at 6:50AM: realized i was really hungry. Realized I had a car. Decided to go to McDonalds. Grabbed Ashlee's CD on the way out.

Today at 6:52AM: Screaming along with "Pieces of Me" while driving to McDonalds.

Today at 6:55AM: Screaming along with "Love Me For Me" as I think to myself on how gorgeous the sunrise is. Am I a bad man?

Today at 7:03AM: Munching on a Sausage and Egg McMuffin with a hash brown and orange Hi-C, realizing that McDonalds has started their Monopoly promotion again!

Today at 7:04AM: Think of the BEST two year plan: GET BOARDWALK AND GET RICH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Today at 7:08AM: Sing along with Pieces of Me for the third time (I'm neurotic like that) while driving back.

Today at 7:20AM: Download Meatloaf's "I Would Do Anything for Love."

Today at 7:25AM: Look up the lyrics on and laugh at the comments. Those "lyric interpretations" always crack me up.

. . .

While crawling through my friends-of page, noticed a link to, which is supposed to be a "real-time" aggregator. From their site: blogsnow was specifically designed to be the fastest blog news aggregator possible: 5 to 12 minutes after a blog entry has been saved it will exist in the blogsnow index. My question is if it's "real-time," I'm guessing their checking to see if a specific RSS feed has been updated every 5-12 minutes? Wasn't there a lot of talk about this already over in Winerland? Aren't aggregators only supposed to poll once every HOUR at a max?

Check this journal tomorrow if you like Tabulas. I'm going to post some Tabby-related news tomorrow... OOH OOH.

Posted by roy on October 16, 2004 at 04:30 AM in Ramblings | 5 Comments

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Comment posted on October 17th, 2004 at 11:56 PM
I think you misunderstood the about @ blogsnow.
When you add an entry then you can also send a ping to a ping list. If you do so, then it only takes 5 minutes for your entry to be part of the blogsnow index. Blogsnow can and will not poll all blogs every 5 minutes. The key here are ping lists: If you notify those of a change, then blogsnow will be very quick in looking what you have to say.
Comment posted on October 17th, 2004 at 08:17 PM
you live a wonderful life mr. roy.
Comment posted on October 17th, 2004 at 08:39 AM
Downloaded the 3 minute radio version or the 12 minute album version? I ask only because it took you five minutes to look for meaning... Big difference in the two, you know.

And you did in two hours more than what most people do in a full day.

And, as far as "real time", a lot of places have different interpretations of it. For example, NASDAQ officially states that a "real time quote" is a quote that's less than 15 minutes old.
Comment posted on October 17th, 2004 at 08:44 PM
The radio version... the long drawn out 12 minute song is far too long for my "NOW NOW NOW" short attention span.

Unfortunately, I only do this two hour routine about once a year, which means I'm severely behind on the "work" thing. ;)

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RoyKim (guest)

Comment posted on October 17th, 2004 at 07:41 AM
i would do anything for love has got to be one of the most hilariously bad songs ever with the synths and everything going on at once.