Today at 5:38AM: Curses. I just deleted the last hour of work. Curses!
Today at 6:40AM: Fixed those gosh-darned bugs within the XML API that I put up yesterday; implemented the OPML API.
Today at 6:45AM: Realized that I forgot to implement the FOAF API.
Today at 6:50AM: realized i was really hungry. Realized I had a car. Decided to go to McDonalds. Grabbed Ashlee's CD on the way out.
Today at 6:52AM: Screaming along with "Pieces of Me" while driving to McDonalds.
Today at 6:55AM: Screaming along with "Love Me For Me" as I think to myself on how gorgeous the sunrise is. Am I a bad man?
Today at 7:03AM: Munching on a Sausage and Egg McMuffin with a hash brown and orange Hi-C, realizing that McDonalds has started their Monopoly promotion again!
Today at 7:04AM: Think of the BEST two year plan: GET BOARDWALK AND GET RICH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Today at 7:08AM: Sing along with Pieces of Me for the third time (I'm neurotic like that) while driving back.
Today at 7:20AM: Download Meatloaf's "I Would Do Anything for Love."
Today at 7:25AM: Look up the lyrics on and laugh at the comments. Those "lyric interpretations" always crack me up.
. . .
While crawling through my friends-of page, noticed a link to, which is supposed to be a "real-time" aggregator. From their site: blogsnow was specifically designed to be the fastest blog news aggregator possible: 5 to 12 minutes after a blog entry has been saved it will exist in the blogsnow index. My question is if it's "real-time," I'm guessing their checking to see if a specific RSS feed has been updated every 5-12 minutes? Wasn't there a lot of talk about this already over in Winerland? Aren't aggregators only supposed to poll once every HOUR at a max?
Check this journal tomorrow if you like Tabulas. I'm going to post some Tabby-related news tomorrow... OOH OOH.
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Andreas Wacker (guest)

I think you misunderstood the about @ blogsnow.
When you add an entry then you can also send a ping to a ping list. If you do so, then it only takes 5 minutes for your entry to be part of the blogsnow index. Blogsnow can and will not poll all blogs every 5 minutes. The key here are ping lists: If you notify those of a change, then blogsnow will be very quick in looking what you have to say.

And you did in two hours more than what most people do in a full day.
And, as far as "real time", a lot of places have different interpretations of it. For example, NASDAQ officially states that a "real time quote" is a quote that's less than 15 minutes old.

Unfortunately, I only do this two hour routine about once a year, which means I'm severely behind on the "work" thing. ;)
RoyKim (guest)