I've been in negotiations for the past week or so (since the LB7 sale) on developing a similar site. To answer any questions in your minds: No, I won't be reusing the LB7 code. Not ethical. Plus it's old and messy. I'm a much better coder now than I was when I wrote LB7. Plus, I can bill for more development hours if I have to rewrite from scratch ... ehehehe.
No, but seriously. I've been doing all sorts of stuff for the client at dirt-cheap prices. The site he wants me to develop is seriously like a $20K+ project, but I'll only be doing it at a fraction of the price. I've been spec-ing out the whole project and discussing with him what exactly he wants in terms of functionality ... and I'm getting good. At planning. Maybe I'd make a good project manager.
So for you 5 readers who still read my website, let me outline what I do as a "webdesigner" when I make websites. It seems like such a simple process, but it's so ... detailed. This is a very broad overview without much planning beforehand, so expect a very fragmented post. Maybe (if given enough responses) I will expand on this post and clarify the process :)
Webdesigners get the shaft. We are neither artists nor are we "true" programmers. We are more of a hybrid of the programmers, designers, and usability experts all rolled in one. And the disciplines required for mastering all three of these ... it's much more than the layman can require. Let's take a look at exactly what we must know:
- HTML/XHTML: The first step for any true webdesigner/webdeveloper. This is our medium ... but knowing HTML/XHTML doesn't really mean anything. 14-year olds know HTML. So it's not really a big deal. But still something you have to know.
- CSS: I have placed it into a separate category simply because of the work required in knowing all the CSS hacks ... and not ONLY know how CSS works on the screen, but also in printing and the alternative styling options. And trust me ... knowing how each browser handle CSS and knowing how to make websites look cool while avoiding tables and using CSS takes a very long time (I'm only getting comfortable abusing floats after about six months of serious CSS usage).
- Javascript: Here we see usability end of the spectrum ... knowing JS enhances the ability for us to create sites that are USABLE. Gmail is great to use because the interface is slick (thanks to JS). Knowing JS, however ... is yet another language and knowing how each browser handles bits of JS is another discipline. (Note: I still have not had time to learn this discipline thorougly ... dagit!)
- PHP/mySQL: This is "programmingLITE" for idiots. I'm not going to degrade the CS profession by saying these are true programming and database languages. However, learning them and mastering them truly is a skill that very few possess; even writing semi-literate scaleable code in these two environments (given their limitations) is incredibly difficult. I've been scripting in PHP and handling mySQL for almost two years now ... and I'm still constantly learning new stuff every day!
- The "usability" factor: So you have all the technical skills. You have mastered the client-side JS and the server-side PHP/mYSQL. You know how to create a fully scaleable platform for content delivery. But if you can't design a friggin good usable interface for users to use ... you're toast. No one wants to use a site that feels crappy to use, even if the underlying platform is solid. Average Joe can't tell that your backend solution is elegant. All he knows is whether or not the CP feels good to use.
- People skills: If you're consulting, you better damn be good at communicating with clients on projects. You have to explain to them WHY your solution is the way to go, and why you cannot be BLINKing text all across the site. You also have to convince your clients not to waste time and money developing a "cool" Flash solution.
- Server management: Know Linux? Good. You better be comfortable managing servers and knowing how to maximize the tools available to you (Apache).
- Scheduling: Neeraj and I were talking about how spec-ing out a project really helps you set a schedule. And you need to set a schedule. Cause you *need* to cut corners when developing sites. Face it, unless you're building a ultra-simplistic site that has one small feature, there is an infinite level of complexity behind the website. And you *will* run into feature creep (where you start building features that no one will use). You must learn to schedule your projects so you get stuff actually done on time. Knowing where to cut corners on a project requires great skill.
So the skills I described above are the skills I feel I've learned (minus the JS) in my self-taught tenure as a "webdesigner." If the above seems complex, I wouldn't be far too impressed. I still consider myself an amatuer at almost everything up there ... but I am really trying my best to become a master. :)
The multi-faceted requirements really is a boon when you're working by yourself; you definitely are NEVER caught in a monotonous state ... doing the same things. You can always switch around ... but the downfall is you simply are doing a LOT of things at once which requires you to have great short-term memory. One of my biggest issues has been dealing with my need for instant gratification; I get very discouraged if my projects don't make quick progress. But in making a kickass website, progress WILL be slow. But you have to keep trucking and not get bogged down by the details.
But yeah... webdesigning as a sole developer is tough. I haven't even gotten into the branding/marketing aspects of websites ... I still focus on just making a damn good product to *start*.
Question to my 5 readers: Would you be interested in me blogging my experiences in developing this new site for a client? This new site is a complete beginning-to-end development, and I think it might be interesting for people to see the process and see what I'm up to...
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phineyae (guest)
PM5K (guest)
PM5K (guest)
but... your experiences as a "webmaster" are not that far different as my experiences as an "engineer." It's just a different toolset.
The people skills, negotiating, etc. That will never not be a part of your life. (*cough* poker skills =P).
And it seems that you have come back and started attacking these things with a new fervor. Now finish school already huh?
PM5K (guest)
PM5K (guest)
I'll take embarassing pictures funny posts.
Is this an account option because I don't see it ?

Blog away by all means. I look forward to reading about your experiences in developing a website.

Most excellent.
