first impressions
Do you ever just *not* like somebody? It's weird ... growing up in a society that urges you to be open-minded, I can be surprisingly close-minded.
Sometimes you meet someone ... and in the first ten seconds, they act in just a way that you decide, "I really don't like this person. At all." It's not that they offended you or commited a social faux pas (actually it's a good thing to commit a faux pas, cause it's funny) ... it's just you get this feeling that their inner personality is dull or totally not cool. I'm not sure what it is.
There are two such people on the UNC campus ... my close friends know who they are. Heaven forbid if these two people found out how I really feel about them. These two guys ... have done nothing to me ... but I still just _don't_ like them.
One of them just gave me a bad impression the first time I met him ... and then did nothing to really improve on that.
I have a general mistrust of Asians when I first meet them ... which is why I generally avoid KASA and ASA and all those Asian student organizations like the plague. It's not that I'm a "twinkie" ... or that I dislike Asians. But in general, I don't find my way of thinking matching the way they think.
A few years ago, some guys were trying to start a new Asian frat on campus. I actually was semi-thinking about joining the charter class ... the only reason I even considered doing this is because the charter class was filled with some guys that i have the upmost respect for. But then I realized that these guys wouldn't stick around for too much longer, and then I would have to deal with incoming freshmen who ... joined Asian frats.
At the risk of overgeneralizing, I really don't think I would get along with freshman guys who joined Asian frats. I see them around on campus, and just shake my head. But you know what? It's not even a reasonable reason why I don't like them. I realize I"m being close-minded, but I just can't do anything about it. I just see them, and I immediately have this feeling of distrust towards them. Why is this?
Maybe I just don't like those Asian-Americans who walk the fine-line between accepting the American culture and embracing their heritage. I'm all for embracing cultural heritage, but sometimes I see that these Asian organizations is just an excuse to only have Asian friends and to network within the Asian societies on campus, and I detest that. Although my personal life is not that much better, I just feel that joining these organizations closes you off from the network.
Then again, I'm not entirely a social person, so my friends are mostly Asian. But these friends are usually ones I've met through church ... for random acquaintances, I meet a fair mix of Asians and non-Asians.
But how many of those in ASA, KASA, and those frats/sororities really care about the Asian culture? Sure, they do superficial things that make people aware, but on a deeper level, do they care that much? (Note: I don't really care that much, so yet another reason why I choose not to join these organizations) If they don't care, then they are simply joining so they can hang out with other Asians, which then really defeats the purpose of college (meet a lot of different people).
I'm sure this is the most disjointed post ever ... but it's 4am right now. For some reason, I've been sleeping at 8pm and waking up at obscenely early hours the past few days. I think it's because nobody bothers me when I work at 4am in the morning ;)
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Cultural organizations were initially important because newcomers to the country needed a place to be with others of their own culture, to ease the frustrations of not being able to communicate. As well, if one was seeking a relationship (ie. dating, marriage) a suitable choice would be found within these organizations. Today, I wonder if they offer the same support.
It is interesting to me that you have this mistrust of Asians. Have you ever examined the reasons behind this?
Asians in America tend to fall into two camps:
1.) Cool
2.) Mindless, spineless, following the crowd, being AzN and showing an idiotic level of "love" for the "motherland" for a culture they're not even aware of (ricers come to mind here)
PM5K (guest)
and the reason you're up so early... You're watching USA Mens BBALL right? =)
MacDaddyTatsu (guest)

I think a general mistrust of people is common, especially if you're introverted. I've a few close friends, and more "friends", if you get what I'm aiming at.
I like to confide in, trust less people; it just feels safer.
MacDaddyTatsu (guest)


MacDaddyTatsu (guest)