July 3, 2004
Is there any proper umbrella etiquette for big cities when it's raining? On a crowded sidewalk, you cannot just walk with your umbrella; you must always raise your umbrella to prevent it from jabbing someone's eyes out. So who has the "right of way?" Who is the one who is required to raise their umbrella when two people are passing?
Is there any proper etiquette? The reason I ask is that I normally just usually raise my umbrella, but today I raised it and this other girl raised it at the same time, so there was some umbrella clashage. Not good.
It would seem to me that the best way to do this would be to have whoever is closer to the outer part of the sidewalk be forced to raise the umbrella. They could then also angle it 'out' (away from the other person) if the sidewalk is a narrow one...
On a related note, here is some subway etiquette notes:
- Wait until everyone gets off before running onto the subway. You are creating unnecessary chaos, just so you can run and get a seat? Quite being a lazy ass.
- At a big transfer point, do not f'ing stand at the door if you're not getting off. I cannot believe how many people do this. They just stand there and not move at a big transfer point. So not only do you have to deal with people who are trying to get on as 10 people try to get off, but this one asshole is blocking half the doorway.
- Quit grabbing my ass. I know I'm hot, but I'M NOT AN OBJECT. I HAVE FEELINGS. ;)
Is there any proper etiquette? The reason I ask is that I normally just usually raise my umbrella, but today I raised it and this other girl raised it at the same time, so there was some umbrella clashage. Not good.
It would seem to me that the best way to do this would be to have whoever is closer to the outer part of the sidewalk be forced to raise the umbrella. They could then also angle it 'out' (away from the other person) if the sidewalk is a narrow one...
On a related note, here is some subway etiquette notes:
- Wait until everyone gets off before running onto the subway. You are creating unnecessary chaos, just so you can run and get a seat? Quite being a lazy ass.
- At a big transfer point, do not f'ing stand at the door if you're not getting off. I cannot believe how many people do this. They just stand there and not move at a big transfer point. So not only do you have to deal with people who are trying to get on as 10 people try to get off, but this one asshole is blocking half the doorway.
- Quit grabbing my ass. I know I'm hot, but I'M NOT AN OBJECT. I HAVE FEELINGS. ;)
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saimin (guest)
MacDaddyTatsu (guest)
plasticboombox (guest)
plasticboombox (guest)

1. Walk straight and fast like a freight train, don\'t stop, don\'t veer out of the way for anyone. See how long you can do this without having to veer out of someone else\'s way. Make them get out of your way.
2. Fart. You got a variety of great smells and sounds around you. Diesel fumes, food, trash, sewage water, car engines, honking, etc. Out in the city, you are allowed to fart indiscriminantly. Nobody will notice that it\'s you. :-D
3. Surf the subway. Only wussies hold onto the handles.
Fart! :jester:

about the transferring... it\'s annoying when you\'re trying to get on and everybody at the door is just standing there, *in your way*.
PM5K (guest)
Stupidest Post Of The Year Award Goes To:
Roy Kim !
Just wear a raincoat man.....