June 6, 2004
Fun times
Oops, the Internet cafe computer decided to crash, thus losing my long entry. Seems very typical of this trip so far.
So Korean Airlines lost my luggage... or rather, should I say United Airlines lost my luggage. Either way, I blame John Kerry (*rimshot*). Just kdiding.
You see, the way I packed my bags (and by that, I mean my mom), everything of importance was in one bag, and all the really unnecessary things were in the other bag. Unfortunately, the luggage that was lost contained:
- towels
- boxers
- undershirts
- pants
- blankets
- bedsheets
- two items I'm transporting for a friend
So basically what I do have right now is:
- Javascript book
- messenger bag
- "Guns, Germs, and Steel"
- toothbrush
- a bowl
- chopsticks
- gifts for relatives
You see? Everything of importance... in the WRONG BAG.
It's funny how this trip has turned into one of those theroetical "if you could bring only one thing onto an island, what would you bring?"
A while ago, I would of said something deep like "a tire" or "a ball" or "Kate Beckinsale." But I've realized the most important thing to bring: toothpaste.
Think about it. I woke up this morning without toothpaste, and thought I could get away with just brushing my teeth (I have a toothbrush) and eating some mints. But my mouth felt so DIRTY. So I went out and bought some toothpaste, which to me seemed like a monumental task considering my inability to fluently manage the basic tenets of the Korean language (I only wrote that sentence because I wanted to use the word 'tenets,' isn't that pretty sad?). So I accomplished my morning mission... getting toothpaste. So sad.
In any case, it's been a trial for me ... the first thing my employer said as she picked me up was, "Do you have someplace else you can stay?" Oigh. Basically they didn't expect me to come so early, so the studio wasn't "prepared," and by that I mean "dirty as friggin' heck." Plus there was no furniture in there, so last night I slept on the hard hard hard hard floor. I would wake up every 30 minutes and have to switch positions because my body would start aching.
But I'm up and at it today... I have my "goals" to-do today, which include:
- buying boxers
- buying towels
- buying undershirts
- marry Kate Beckinsale
I'm in one of those strangely optimistic moods despite everything I've been through in the past 36 hours ... but one of those optimistic moods which have a severe caustic/cynical side lying beneath. Which was just heightened as I lost my previous entry.
Anyways, I'm gald to be back here. One of the things you really tend to miss about Korea are its varied smells. For example, as I'm walking through a busy commercial street, my olfactory senses will pick up on wonderful food. Then not two meters ahead, the wonderful smell will be replaced with the smell of ass as I walk past a.) a shady alleyway where people do shady things or b.) a sewage outlet.
And of course, it seems that all Koreans are intent on being in a relationship all the time. It's quite uncommon to see such an obviously virile and manly thug walking down the street by himself; usually he has one (or three or five) girls hanging onto him. I KID!
Well, as always I've gotten a very good release writing this entry. Let's hope this computer can handle submitting a POST FORM without crashing again.
I hope everybody else is doing ok... if you have any type of sway with the Guy Above, please try to persuade him to reunite me with my lost luggage. Korea does not need to see me nekkid unless they want all the girls here to abandon their feminine boyfriends for a real man. (ahahahahaha I crack myself up sometimes...)
Oh yes, I almost forgot. The ticket counter girl (she is either still in college or recently graduated) at the United Airlines ticket counter at RDU is _hot_. Her demeanor is kinda snobby, but for some reason I dig that with her... ha ha.
So Korean Airlines lost my luggage... or rather, should I say United Airlines lost my luggage. Either way, I blame John Kerry (*rimshot*). Just kdiding.
You see, the way I packed my bags (and by that, I mean my mom), everything of importance was in one bag, and all the really unnecessary things were in the other bag. Unfortunately, the luggage that was lost contained:
- towels
- boxers
- undershirts
- pants
- blankets
- bedsheets
- two items I'm transporting for a friend
So basically what I do have right now is:
- Javascript book
- messenger bag
- "Guns, Germs, and Steel"
- toothbrush
- a bowl
- chopsticks
- gifts for relatives
You see? Everything of importance... in the WRONG BAG.
It's funny how this trip has turned into one of those theroetical "if you could bring only one thing onto an island, what would you bring?"
A while ago, I would of said something deep like "a tire" or "a ball" or "Kate Beckinsale." But I've realized the most important thing to bring: toothpaste.
Think about it. I woke up this morning without toothpaste, and thought I could get away with just brushing my teeth (I have a toothbrush) and eating some mints. But my mouth felt so DIRTY. So I went out and bought some toothpaste, which to me seemed like a monumental task considering my inability to fluently manage the basic tenets of the Korean language (I only wrote that sentence because I wanted to use the word 'tenets,' isn't that pretty sad?). So I accomplished my morning mission... getting toothpaste. So sad.
In any case, it's been a trial for me ... the first thing my employer said as she picked me up was, "Do you have someplace else you can stay?" Oigh. Basically they didn't expect me to come so early, so the studio wasn't "prepared," and by that I mean "dirty as friggin' heck." Plus there was no furniture in there, so last night I slept on the hard hard hard hard floor. I would wake up every 30 minutes and have to switch positions because my body would start aching.
But I'm up and at it today... I have my "goals" to-do today, which include:
- buying boxers
- buying towels
- buying undershirts
- marry Kate Beckinsale
I'm in one of those strangely optimistic moods despite everything I've been through in the past 36 hours ... but one of those optimistic moods which have a severe caustic/cynical side lying beneath. Which was just heightened as I lost my previous entry.
Anyways, I'm gald to be back here. One of the things you really tend to miss about Korea are its varied smells. For example, as I'm walking through a busy commercial street, my olfactory senses will pick up on wonderful food. Then not two meters ahead, the wonderful smell will be replaced with the smell of ass as I walk past a.) a shady alleyway where people do shady things or b.) a sewage outlet.
And of course, it seems that all Koreans are intent on being in a relationship all the time. It's quite uncommon to see such an obviously virile and manly thug walking down the street by himself; usually he has one (or three or five) girls hanging onto him. I KID!
Well, as always I've gotten a very good release writing this entry. Let's hope this computer can handle submitting a POST FORM without crashing again.
I hope everybody else is doing ok... if you have any type of sway with the Guy Above, please try to persuade him to reunite me with my lost luggage. Korea does not need to see me nekkid unless they want all the girls here to abandon their feminine boyfriends for a real man. (ahahahahaha I crack myself up sometimes...)
Oh yes, I almost forgot. The ticket counter girl (she is either still in college or recently graduated) at the United Airlines ticket counter at RDU is _hot_. Her demeanor is kinda snobby, but for some reason I dig that with her... ha ha.
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PM5K (guest)

On the plus side, maybe girls will be attracted to a pantsless Roy.
for the sake of all korean guys here, they MUST find my luggage!
