May 25, 2004
STOP! Colloborate and listen!
I remember there once was a time whenever someone said STOP, someone would immediately follow with "Colloborate and listen, Ice is back with a brand new invention..." thanks mostly to this fellow...
Most of may not know my agent, Lillia. Being the diligent agent that she is, she found me a job in Korea. So I will be heading over to Korea for the latter half of this summer, teaching little kids how to excel in the SATs of life. But do not fret, the killer part of this whole gig is that it's mostly part-time, so I can still do my web work during the off-hours.
In any case, today is a good day. Found out I got that job, and later today I go and deliver an invoice for the work I did earlier in the summer, which should allow me to either:
1.) fix my bike tire
2.) buy a craptop battery
3.) ipod mini????
4.) canon g5
Things are gooooood.... thanks once again to Lillia for hooking me up!
Oh yeah, to all my neighbors up north, happy belated Victoria's Day...
Most of may not know my agent, Lillia. Being the diligent agent that she is, she found me a job in Korea. So I will be heading over to Korea for the latter half of this summer, teaching little kids how to excel in the SATs of life. But do not fret, the killer part of this whole gig is that it's mostly part-time, so I can still do my web work during the off-hours.
In any case, today is a good day. Found out I got that job, and later today I go and deliver an invoice for the work I did earlier in the summer, which should allow me to either:
1.) fix my bike tire
2.) buy a craptop battery
3.) ipod mini????
4.) canon g5
Things are gooooood.... thanks once again to Lillia for hooking me up!
Oh yeah, to all my neighbors up north, happy belated Victoria's Day...
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If your gonna get an iPOD get a full one... for what 50USD more you can get a full one w/ like twice the space?
4gb for me is plenty, and I want a SMALL (!!!!!!!!) mp3 player.
But... I don\'t see how 1\" is that much bigger... The iPOD still fits in the pocket... then again I\'ve never seen a mini in person...
lillia (guest)
btw, did you ship that compter to my home address??? i will be your courier :o)
and now i owe you dinners!

hey if you want to sound really canadian you call it \"may 2-4\" :)
congrats on finding a job!
Well, I\'m actually looking to avoid purchasing a SLR... I already have my Elan 7 ... I\'m looking to get a good solid point-and-shoot for which the G5 is perfect.
But I am saving up for the 10D so I can eventually replace my Elan ;)

PM5K (guest)
It\'s funny two of those things sound somewhat important and the other two don\'t.......

Why not spend $50 more and get a <em>real</em> iPod?

