Yesterday I bought:


. . .

Useless things I did today:

- I generated a PHP script which generates a virtual world and tracks it population. It uses mortality and fertility rates (determined by viable age groups and environmental factors) to generate a population ... and it seemed to work alright. I have a basic switch ("developed nation" vs. "developing nation") which really shows how the two populations change.

This is a really rudimentary script; a populations person would cringe at its crudeness. I'll expand on it later, but it serves as a useful placeholder (especially since what it will be used for will only require it as a background and not a critical component) ... I'm going to add in the 'food' limitation later in hopes of seeing if I can indirectly set a population cap on the population.

- I changed the top grey administrator's bar in Tabulas from a table to a div. Not entirely useful, but it's something I've wanted to do for quite some time now.

- I've made a small change to Lightbox7 in displaying the # of images in a given album; before if you had subalbums nested it wouldn't detect the number of images in the subalbums... now it does. Just a small change...
Posted by roy on May 1, 2004 at 03:59 PM in Ramblings, Web Development, Tabulas | 2 Comments

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Comment posted on May 1st, 2004 at 05:07 PM
Instead of all this chick flick crap, you should be working on, Roy.

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Comment posted on May 1st, 2004 at 04:32 PM
omg!!1111one!!! ryys a gir1!?!?111 :P