People say I'm not modest, but I had a dream last night (translation: today in the afternoon) that proves you WRONG.

In this dream, I was mistakenly identified as having basketball skills by someone in the Minnesota Timberwolves personnel department. Somehow the Twolves made it to the NBA finals and needed another point guard (over Hudson and Alien? I dunno why) ... so they contacted me.

I told them that I wasn't a point guard, but they kept insisting on hiring me for a 10-day contract for $100,000. Realizing that they wouldn't listen to me, I signed the contract ... and later showed up at the Finals game (which was against the Lakers ... which doesn't make sense, but ANYWAYS).

So with 4 minutes left in the first quarter, I'm told to go in and play. In the 4 minutes that's left, I manage to get 0.5 assists (I KNOW THAT'S NOT POSSIBLE EITHER) and turn over the ball 6 times.

But, the happy part of the dream is that I make fun of all my friends by telling them that I got to play in the NBA finals ... with 6 turnovers in 4 minutes. Haha.

(For those who are not basketball-savvy, turnovers are when you give the ball to the opposing team by accident ... they are bad bad BAD!)
Posted by roy on March 29, 2004 at 01:18 AM in Dreams | 1 Comments

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Comment posted on March 29th, 2004 at 02:18 AM