There's a HTML generator for now; this lets you select images within an album and have HTML automatically be generated; you can then paste this HTML straight into your journal ... There's even bbCode support so you can generate bbCode for phpBB and vB.

There's also been better importing controls implemented from Tabulas so now you can select albums to import into Lightbox7 instead of having to import all your albums.

Update: I couldn't sleep last night, so instead I spent some time hacking some fixes and new fun things for Lightbox7. I added a "Duplicate Image" checker. What it does is it takes the md5sum of all your images and does a quick comparison to see if any files share the same md5sum. If they do, the site asks you to verify if they are duplicates; if so, you can choose to remove them.

This is an incredibly useful tool if your gallery starts to get too huge and you find redundancy across multiple albums. I just used it to clean up the Hyori and Jaymee Ong galleries of duplicate images.

And wow, I'm a moron. EXIF display had been turned off all this time... so no images had any EXIF data displaying. Can we say, "OOPS?" I turned the EXIF display on; so images with relevant EXIF data should display them now :)

More news on Lightbox7 (and Audiomatch!) are forthcoming...

If you have features that you want for Lightbox7 (besides community albums, they are being worked on!) ... let me know :)
Posted by roy on March 25, 2004 at 02:07 AM in | 1 Comments

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Comment posted on March 25th, 2004 at 03:14 PM

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