I really wish I hadn't stayed up all night programming; I'm reading Plato's "The Republic" and it's so darned interesting. Just wish I was a bit sharper mentally for it ... for those of you who haven't read it, give it a read. The stuff he puts forth ... quite interesting.

Edit: I just got back from my exam. I could of written the essay *lot* better (it was unfocused and meandered from topic to topic), but overall I'm pretty satisfied, considering I managed to read the Republic and Politics by Aristotle in about 6 hours...

Did you know that if Plato had his way, women could have more power back in the day? Plus he'd have all those women work out in the gymnasium with men (They used to work out nekkid in the gymnasium).. YEEEEEPPPPPPPPPPPP.

But some random brain farts before I crash:
- Does absolute power corrupt absolutely? Although I feel that sometimes Socrates/Plato have a very negative view of people (inherently born bad?), I think that both would argue against absolute power corrupting absolutely. They claim that each person is bound by three characteristics: reason, emotion, and intellect. Since corruption is allowing your emotions (selfishness and greed) get ahead of reason and intellect (you *know* you shouldn't be getting corrupted), having reason and intellect control emotion will prevent this from happening.

This brings up an interesting point. Could there be an ideal government led by a smaller group? I've never been a fan of true democracy (the United States is a republic, not a true democracy) and I've wondered how a more centralized government would work. Of course, for a large country like the United States this would never work; I think these smaller governments could only work on smaller countries with the maximum size being a country the size of North Korea. Cuba would be perfect (I'm not trying to be funny here).

I'd like to see something like China's government (a Premier with a party that helps ruling) without the bureacracy ... and America's free market systems. I'm not sure who said that centralized power and free markets couldn't coexist, but I'll have to read up on why. Checks and balances are overrated if your executive branch can govern well; this requires the training of Plato and Socrates; "do it for the good of the whole."

Oh god, I'm a closet Socialist, aren't I? Damnit.

Things to do tonight:
- continued bug fixes at lb7 (presentations esp.)
- roadmap doc for audiomatch
- roadmap doc for tabulas
- coordinate api development for lb7 with borst
- ensure that paypal ipn is integrated with lb7
- send ben logo for tabulas/description
Posted by roy on February 17, 2004 at 07:47 AM in Ramblings | 14 Comments

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Comment posted on February 20th, 2004 at 11:01 PM
it's true that the republic has many interesting ideas, but it also has many disturbing ideas... you wonder how plato could really believe some of the things, like having brothers and sisters mate and do away with family altogether and leaving children out to die (to never let them see the light of day comment) if they are born defected, etc....
Comment posted on February 20th, 2004 at 03:46 PM
People [incharge] are just as barbaric as back in old Greek times. Plato nearly got killed after twice trying to implement the republic unsuccessfully. I doubt humanity has moved on enough to not have that [a bloody, unsuccessful try at implementing the republic] happen again.

MacDaddyTatsu (guest)

Comment posted on February 19th, 2004 at 12:03 AM
Read the literature...they did. It was a sign of wealth, furtility and intellegence. The thin were considered poor because they lacked the resources to eat. The thin were considered infurtile because thinner people back then had a LOT more birthing difficulties. Thin people were considered unintellegent because they were too busy working off their calories to apply themselves to learning and artistic pursuits.

It changes from time to time over the course of history.
Comment posted on February 17th, 2004 at 09:55 PM
Women back in the day were fat and saggy. Hell...for all I know, that's the way they liked it.
Comment posted on February 17th, 2004 at 10:49 PM
Hahaha. You have no faith, sir.
Comment posted on February 17th, 2004 at 11:08 PM
I have art books to back it up. :P
Comment posted on February 17th, 2004 at 09:55 PM
I know nothing about how the Chinese government is run, but "a Premier with a party that helps ruling ... and America's free market systems" sounds an awful lot like Canada!
Comment posted on February 17th, 2004 at 10:49 PM
Ok, let me put state then, to clear up any confusion, our new nation should not be providing welfare services to the extent that socialist countries like Canada does ;D
Comment posted on February 20th, 2004 at 07:33 PM
It's interesting to hear Canada referred to as a socialist country.

So Roy, in your proposed nation, who would take care of your poor, your sick, etc.?
Comment posted on February 17th, 2004 at 09:57 PM
My sentiments exactly. Commie Scum... :)
Comment posted on February 19th, 2004 at 08:04 PM
so no health care eh?

thats sooooo fundamental tho!

although the system can be abused, i would rather have that than no system at all.

MacDaddyTatsu (guest)

Comment posted on February 17th, 2004 at 09:00 PM
The ancient philosophers were basing their points on the understanding of man as an animal. Therefore short circuting the possibilities of the as yet unproven motivators of humanity.

Man, as you can simply attest to personally by examining yourself, is driven by three things:
- Instict (Built in motivators as handed down through genome that may or may not be overcome)
- Intellect (Opinion based motivators based on percieved fact.)
- Intangants (The unpredictable, outside of reason motivators based on faith.)

Noting this as a modern man you will see that there are times when neither animal instinct nor intellect can serve you and something other than that which can be quantified (yet) comes into play. Like dealing with women...

Comment posted on February 17th, 2004 at 12:21 PM
but apparently, many modern philosophers don't think his argument holds up. it's a good one, but not strong enough to "overturn" glaucon's premises. i dunno.
Comment posted on February 17th, 2004 at 10:42 AM
yeah..he was way ahead of his time.

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