Had a late last night, putting the finishing touches on the usericon offloading; the usericons are now served from a separate server so that the Tabulas server won't be so heavily loaded; I was quite surprised how smooth the transition was.

In any case, I got to work a bit on Audiomatch; Neeraj has been hard at work on similar artist and matching different artists (you know, since IDv3 tags on MP3s are imperfect) ... and finally you see the fruition of it all. Check out my Audiomatch page. Here, check out one of the songs I've listened to. Nothing remarkable ... but here is the cool part. If you click "Five for Fighting," it'll take you to a page with similar artists like Jason Mraz. Following the logic of the site, Five for Fighting is similar to Jason Mraz, which is similiar to John Mayer, which is similar to Jack Johnson, which goes to Coldplay/Dave Matthews Band... pretty darn accurate!

Of course, the tolerance of the matches can always be tweaked; the raw scores for the matches are kept in the database, right now I'm just creating a threshold to cut the scores off at; it's a pretty low tolerance, which is why some matches seem weird, but as the database grows larger those anomalies should dissappear.

But this marks a great day! I'm actually done with the things I wanted to work on Tabulas; things are *finally* starting to stabilize in terms of features and functionalities. I know the styling of Tabulas (the way styles are output) are atrocious ... but I've finished most of the "small" things that have been bugging me.

And with this some AM work done, I can get to work on my neglected TokkiProject :D
Posted by roy on January 20, 2004 at 01:30 PM in Web Development | 1 Comments

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Comment posted on January 20th, 2004 at 06:00 PM
the link is messed up
should be http://audiomatch.net/?view&user=roy

do you mean IDv3 and not IPv3?

the related artists looks really neat