There's a really good article by Paul Davies about his idea on cutting down costs to sending a manned mission on Mars: Make it a one-way trip.

The concept is you send an initial core team to colonize Mars; you send them resources and food every two years and get them to be self-sufficient. Once they are self-sufficient, you can expand on the colony and bring in more people.

I know that there are people out there that would die for this type of opportunity; to have the chance to go to Mars and become a trailblazer ... your name would be written in the annals of history ...

Of course, there is a high probability that you would die, but going into space itself is a huge risk that all astronauts are aware of and accept ...

But imagine if this *did* happen. Imagine how exciting it would be for everyone; for those political scientists who can try to set-up a new governmental system (democracy is probably *not* going to be effective in a place like that) ... and for those scientists who can do real-live experiments and can go explore Mars.

I'm just hoping that this plan will come to fruition and will happen within my lifetime. Those guys at NASA are so smart; they deserve more money to make things better for the human race ... not to be tied down by politics and economic incentives. It would truly be a great human accomplishment to pull off something like this ...

Humans are naturally curious, and understanding our role in the universe can help us become a better society. Wishful thinking, I suppose.
Posted by roy on January 16, 2004 at 03:42 PM in Ramblings | 3 Comments

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Comment posted on January 19th, 2004 at 10:20 PM
I always figured that, at least at first, any space colony would operate as a commune. Democracy is meant to govern large groups, but communism in its pure, idealist form works well for small groups, like for a kibbutz or a Hutterite colony (an Amish-like religious group in my area).

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Comment posted on January 18th, 2004 at 08:08 PM
I'm sorry to be the wet blanket here, but if we can't get our s*** together here, we should NOT be spreading out to other planets. Our first responsibility as a species is to clean up the mess we've made here and put into practice a new way of co-existing with other species. Only then will we be truly ready to spread our wings to inhabit other planets.

MacDaddyTatsu (guest)

Comment posted on January 16th, 2004 at 08:46 PM
I would set up a governmental lottery system. Everyone that wants to be in the political system places their name and catagory of intrest into the pot and then the winners are awarded jobs in the fields listed. Voila...instant chaos...I mean society!