If my life is determined by a three-way switch (if such a thing exists), mine looks like this:

0: Working my ass off, trying to learn and earn money (this is when I'm anti-social)
1: Reaping the rewards of my hard work (this is when I'm social)
2: Idling (this doesn't happen too much anymore)

When I'm in zero-state, I'm boring. Nothing happens and I rarely see anybody. When I'm in the first-state ... that's when I start going out to events and start hanging out with people again.

So I've been very busy. But soon... I swear ... I'll be able to reap the rewards :)

P.S. Someone finally found a good use for Tokki ... if you like pictures of pretty half-Asian girls, go here
Currently listening to: 98 degrees's The Hardest Thing
Posted by roy on November 12, 2003 at 12:35 AM in Ramblings | Add a comment

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