It's one of those glorious fall days. The sun's out, the air's crisp and cool, and you can feel change in the air.

But for some reason, it seems to be a downer day. Nothing in particular, but just the mood of the day seems burdensome. It's one of those indescrible feelings you have ... one where pangs of guilt from past wrongs mixes in with the regret of missed chances and the jealousy towards those more "successful" of you...

You try your best to keep your head up and to keep smilin', but it just does no good. The burden just hangs over your head. Maybe it's the lack of progress. Too much routine becomes boring. You need excitement. New people.

You just want something new. You don't know what it is. But just ... something different. Nothing like the life you have now. New people. New situations. New outlook on life. New skills. The constant self-doubts and self-questions over. You have something new. Something real. You have new people to trade wits with. New situations. New comedic moments. No more of the drudgery of your life. A new slate of problems. The ones you have now you don't feel like you can solve. But perhaps a new set of problems and drama and life difficulties. Maybe you can solve those!

come on, Roy you can do better than this YOU cannot continue to write esoteric posts in order to vent our your frustrations in life YOU have to man up life will not wait for YOU quit waiting for a silver platter with everything handed on it quit running from the truth quit running quit running quit running quit running face your problems analyze solve solve solve solve

Game over man, game over!

Currently listening to: The Ataris's In This Diary
Posted by roy on October 18, 2003 at 02:33 PM in Ramblings | Add a comment

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