wow i've noticed i get a lot of entries for trying to be funny and not write about technical things.

maybe you decided to encourage me to write non-technical posts with COMMENTS which are better than stupid eprops.

when i first started this site, sung the dung suggested i implement a "epoops" system. basically it would work like eprops, except the more you give, the less you like a post. ha ha.

i almost implemented it.

i spent most of yesterday fixing up the hax0r3d server, but i got a little research done on my new project. i've been learning how to mess around with PHP buffers to output data dynamically on each page instead of waiting.

for instance, when you attach images, the script just goes and goes ... and you don't know whether it hung. dynamic output buffering would let me do something like "attach image 1... attaching image 2..."

Once I get the hang of buffering, I'll implement it for the gallery here. That would be hot stuff.

I need to add two critically missing features to Tabulas, but it's going to require some fundamentaly hax0ring of the code. Boo. But I think I will get it done (sometime today).
Posted by roy on August 5, 2003 at 07:39 AM | 4 Comments

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Comment posted on August 5th, 2003 at 12:53 PM
epoops idea is ingenious...It must be implemented...It'll be another component to differentiate Tabulas from all other sites, potentially boosting Tabulas's competitive advantage....
Comment posted on August 5th, 2003 at 11:35 AM
you are not funny.
Comment posted on August 5th, 2003 at 08:09 AM
roy you aren't funny, stop flattering yourself.
Comment posted on August 5th, 2003 at 07:44 AM
yeah man, U R funnie... and that epoops idea is even funnier! ah keke :D