The more I get involved in this project, the more I realize how fall it shorts of its full potential. I wish I had some more knowledge before I started this project. Right now, it's not "adding feature modules," it's "hack the code so stuff works." Not a good method of managing a site. Especially since the hacking method will eventually lead to a hard to manage site.

In any case, I ramble. The new project I'm working on has very close ties to Tabulas - you might also consider it a spinoff of Tabulas. Since starting this project, I've come to realize that I can't make Tabulas "your all in one solution." Besies being a programming nightmare, it's hard to manage all the features under one easy-to-use UI.

Furthermore, there's not an aura of "technical perfection" on this site. The code is messy, almost nothing is standards compliant, and there's no documentation.

Until I fix these issues, I can't get Tabulas up on the playing field. As Typepad releases tomorrow, I have to realize that "yes, there are better sites" on the web. But there's very little I can do against Typepad. I'm running up against two people with greater devotion and time than me. Furthermore, half of the Typepad team hs years of experience over me in programming. I cannot win.

So what do I do? I continue to do what i do. I chug along, making stuff slowly better, until one day I can sit back and say, "Damn this is a good product."

But I can't let myself be overwhelmed. There's pages and pages of stuff to fix and make better, but I have to take it slowly. Knock down one bug, add one feature ...

Eventually Tabulas will rock even more.
Posted by roy on August 3, 2003 at 03:55 PM | 5 Comments

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Comment posted on August 5th, 2003 at 06:22 AM
well, i have to be honest that TypePad is a great product. (i was part of the beta testing of that as well.)

but i do think Tabulas has its own niche. first of all, TypePad does not have a free version. that in itself scares away alot of would-be bloggers. i realize that the free version of Tabulas doesn't make you any money, but most of the popular blog services do have a free version out there, and people who need more than the basic features can and do upgrade to the paid version.

I think Tabulas is good for a community type thing, since it's semi-based on the LJ model.

I think Tabulas is more than great for the level of programming experience you said you had. And I'm sure lots of loyal Tabulas users will agree. :D

p.s. do you want me to plug Tabulas on the TypePad beta yahoogroup? ;)
Comment posted on August 4th, 2003 at 12:40 AM
ps. whats this spinoff you speak of? i'm very curious!
Comment posted on August 4th, 2003 at 12:39 AM
i still think tabulas is great! :)

i'm pretty amazed you have time to do this (and learn while doing it) and go to school...

i don't have time for my own side projects while in school. its just library-lab-library-lab... i'm lucky if i have any bit of social life @ all.
Comment posted on August 4th, 2003 at 07:43 AM
Thanks =) But it's more of a sacrifice; I *can* work on this because I don't do anything else ;)
Comment posted on August 3rd, 2003 at 09:38 PM
fuck typepad, you've got them!!