in europe you have to pay to use the public bathrooms. i was sauntering around vienna when i had to go to the bathroom. i found them ... and then as i was about to go into a stall, this old lady got up in my face and started speaking german.
there's a simson's episode where lisa gets lost in the street and these german guys start talking to her in german. they sound angry and dangerous, but the captioning says something along the lines of, "how are you doing little girl? are you lost?"
in any case, the lady might of just been saying "good sir, you must pay 0.50 euro to use this stall," but it sure didn't seem like it.
in any case, i gave her 0.50 euros and she closed the door behind me.
and then i couldn't go. there's something unnerving about the fact that there's an old german lady sitting right outside your stall, thinking about lord knows what. in any case, no matter how much i coaxed by buttocks, they wouldn't give up their golden nuggets. sigh.
so i gave up.
there's a simson's episode where lisa gets lost in the street and these german guys start talking to her in german. they sound angry and dangerous, but the captioning says something along the lines of, "how are you doing little girl? are you lost?"
in any case, the lady might of just been saying "good sir, you must pay 0.50 euro to use this stall," but it sure didn't seem like it.
in any case, i gave her 0.50 euros and she closed the door behind me.
and then i couldn't go. there's something unnerving about the fact that there's an old german lady sitting right outside your stall, thinking about lord knows what. in any case, no matter how much i coaxed by buttocks, they wouldn't give up their golden nuggets. sigh.
so i gave up.
Posted by roy on July 4, 2003 at 09:29 AM | 7 Comments

anyway, what a waste of .50 euro. (if you hit shift-4 in europe, does it give you the euro sign instead of the dollar sign?)
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