July 3, 2003
hello from vienna
i'm in vienna right now and there are still a few keys that are switched. actually, just the y and the z are switched. odd. in anz case, all z and z in this entrz and ä is '.
we drove on the autobahn zesterdaz from brussels to nuremburg, stopping in heidelburg along the way. heidelburg is gorgeous ... unfortunatelz i havenät reallz been hitting the photographz very hard because iäm with family.
the autobahn is a great idea and shoudl be adopted in america. of course, weäd have to rid ourselves of all the crappy car companies (ford, GM, etc.= but eventually we'd get it right. itös amusing because all the german drivers are frickin good, and thez've got a nice system for driving on the autobahn. moreo n this later.
nuremburg sucks. don't go there. vienna so far is pretty cool. itäs the most confusing city to navigate, and i've been to a few large cities where that means something.
i reallz think i want to come back to europe with some friends of mine ... backpack and ride the train. there are a few spots i'd like to hit again for photographic reasons.
i still cannot power up my craptop. sadness. i'll be back tomorrow for more updates as this internet cafe is right by our hotel.
update: gah, this internet sucks. it keeps dropping connections. i can't consistently SSH into my server to do any real work. neither can i chat on AIM. and this keyboard keeps bothering me. arrrgggh. but i'm getting used to both. i really just wish i could use my craptop. not even power it up. just be able to do some work on it. i installed php/mysql/apache on it before i left. gah.
back to the autobahn story ... the germans are amusing when it comes to the autobahn. basically it's a two lane highway with no set speed limit. however, the right lane is usuallz 65mph since all the trucks drive there (and they tend to be slow) ... the left lane is usuallz about 110mph. but it's a safe 110mph.
here's a quick quiz: when renting a car in europe, i rent a _______. the correct answer for the kim family is ... A FORD FOCUS111 YEAH! (whoa i just realized that using the caps lock is hte same thign as using shift, even for the symbols above the letters. weird).
haha. anyways, it's served us well so far ... but there are so manz audis and bmws... makes me so sad to see them zoom by at 110mph. anyways, if you're slow in a lane, the german will tail you at about 5 feet ... shift to the left side of the lane to see if there#s anyzone in front of you, then the right side of the lane to double check. then the'll highbeam your ass until you move.
the autobahn has made me hate SUVs. no one drives them here and it#s a godsend. and of course no one is stupid here and talks on their cell phone while driving either. it rocks. we made good time on the autobahn ... i love it!
tomorrow i explore vienna ... then we head over to zurich and then paris and then to brussels, where we fly back.
how is everzone doing? i had some time to read other peoples# tabulas and it seems that everyone is having a good time.
ok tomorrow i#ll have more time to journal and will write more. take it easy everzbodz!
we drove on the autobahn zesterdaz from brussels to nuremburg, stopping in heidelburg along the way. heidelburg is gorgeous ... unfortunatelz i havenät reallz been hitting the photographz very hard because iäm with family.
the autobahn is a great idea and shoudl be adopted in america. of course, weäd have to rid ourselves of all the crappy car companies (ford, GM, etc.= but eventually we'd get it right. itös amusing because all the german drivers are frickin good, and thez've got a nice system for driving on the autobahn. moreo n this later.
nuremburg sucks. don't go there. vienna so far is pretty cool. itäs the most confusing city to navigate, and i've been to a few large cities where that means something.
i reallz think i want to come back to europe with some friends of mine ... backpack and ride the train. there are a few spots i'd like to hit again for photographic reasons.
i still cannot power up my craptop. sadness. i'll be back tomorrow for more updates as this internet cafe is right by our hotel.
update: gah, this internet sucks. it keeps dropping connections. i can't consistently SSH into my server to do any real work. neither can i chat on AIM. and this keyboard keeps bothering me. arrrgggh. but i'm getting used to both. i really just wish i could use my craptop. not even power it up. just be able to do some work on it. i installed php/mysql/apache on it before i left. gah.
back to the autobahn story ... the germans are amusing when it comes to the autobahn. basically it's a two lane highway with no set speed limit. however, the right lane is usuallz 65mph since all the trucks drive there (and they tend to be slow) ... the left lane is usuallz about 110mph. but it's a safe 110mph.
here's a quick quiz: when renting a car in europe, i rent a _______. the correct answer for the kim family is ... A FORD FOCUS111 YEAH! (whoa i just realized that using the caps lock is hte same thign as using shift, even for the symbols above the letters. weird).
haha. anyways, it's served us well so far ... but there are so manz audis and bmws... makes me so sad to see them zoom by at 110mph. anyways, if you're slow in a lane, the german will tail you at about 5 feet ... shift to the left side of the lane to see if there#s anyzone in front of you, then the right side of the lane to double check. then the'll highbeam your ass until you move.
the autobahn has made me hate SUVs. no one drives them here and it#s a godsend. and of course no one is stupid here and talks on their cell phone while driving either. it rocks. we made good time on the autobahn ... i love it!
tomorrow i explore vienna ... then we head over to zurich and then paris and then to brussels, where we fly back.
how is everzone doing? i had some time to read other peoples# tabulas and it seems that everyone is having a good time.
ok tomorrow i#ll have more time to journal and will write more. take it easy everzbodz!
Posted by roy on July 3, 2003 at 11:33 AM | 3 Comments
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