July 2, 2003
real quickly
i'm in the brussels airport while my dad rents a car and my mom gets cash money from the atm. the keyboards here are english so i can do a real quick recap.
day 1-2: brussels, belgium
everything is old. but it's realy purdy. i walked around the central market area ... it's gorgous. but there are too many frickin koreans. i think "central" tourist attractionsa re like homing beacons fort eh koreans. oh well.
went to amsterdam yesterday. wasn't too exciting. amsterdam is the most confusing city in the world. between the weird streets, the trams, teh buses, teh weird right of way (cars and bikes have right of way when turning), along with teh canals... damn confusing.
we\re about to drive to vienna, stopping along a few stops along the way (germany and stuff). drive back will swing through zurich and parts of france. exciting stuff.
random thoughts:
1.) i really wish i had some conssiten access. some of these tabulas bugs can be real easy fixer uppers.
2.) i think it's amusing that people put red ribbons on their bags to "differentiate" them. that is, of course, until you find someone else who did the exact same thing.
3.) there's a company called 'europcar' here. i don't like that word. i must prefer eurocar.
4.) i cannot find a goddamn power cord to plug in my laptop. it's killing me.
ok gotta run. take it easy guys. :)
day 1-2: brussels, belgium
everything is old. but it's realy purdy. i walked around the central market area ... it's gorgous. but there are too many frickin koreans. i think "central" tourist attractionsa re like homing beacons fort eh koreans. oh well.
went to amsterdam yesterday. wasn't too exciting. amsterdam is the most confusing city in the world. between the weird streets, the trams, teh buses, teh weird right of way (cars and bikes have right of way when turning), along with teh canals... damn confusing.
we\re about to drive to vienna, stopping along a few stops along the way (germany and stuff). drive back will swing through zurich and parts of france. exciting stuff.
random thoughts:
1.) i really wish i had some conssiten access. some of these tabulas bugs can be real easy fixer uppers.
2.) i think it's amusing that people put red ribbons on their bags to "differentiate" them. that is, of course, until you find someone else who did the exact same thing.
3.) there's a company called 'europcar' here. i don't like that word. i must prefer eurocar.
4.) i cannot find a goddamn power cord to plug in my laptop. it's killing me.
ok gotta run. take it easy guys. :)
Posted by roy on July 2, 2003 at 12:49 AM | 5 Comments
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