If you didn't read the op-ed from Eason Jordan, go give it a good read. Eason Jordan is the CNN chief executive. The gist of the op-ed is that CNN withheld a lot of stories about brutality under the Hussein regime to protect their employees. But certain idiots (e.g. Fox News) are criticizing Jordan for a lack of "journalistic obligation.

Shut UP. I don't care if you're a pro-war slanted broadcast, that doesn't save you from idiocy like this. A company's commitment, regardless of its purpose is first and foremost to its employee. You protect and defend your employees at all cost, then you go about your business.

Fox News just took a hit on my respect list.

Also, if there's one thing I cannot stand, it's trying to spin the Iraq situation. Baghdad has fallen into a state of anarchy, as does any city undergoing governmental change.

Yet some people try to justify it: "The BBC's David Willis in Baghdad says a small minority of the population is carrying out the looting and most residents are hunkered down behind locked doors in fear.

However, he says that the mood on the streets is a sense that "the Iraqi regime had stolen from the people for years and now they are taking it back"."

Oh please. "Stealing back?" That's the best the BBC could do to justify it?

It's anarchy. It's chaos. Just call it that.
Posted by roy on April 11, 2003 at 06:28 PM | 1 Comments

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Comment posted on April 12th, 2003 at 05:27 AM
Fox News would take a hit on my respect list aswell, but it was never there in the first place.

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