I've been listening to Christina Aguilera's "Fighter." Dave Navarro is cool. Anyways, I was chatting with Mr. Phil about UI in webdesign.

Man, webdesign is tiring. Very tiring. UI is a pain in the ass; it's not so technical but more intuitive. But good UI is still incredibly hard to pull off. I always try (I've made a strong effort to make UI as streamlined and intuitive in the control panel as possible) but it's so hard.

Tabulas is starting to take its toll on me. Not really in terms of time, as I still manage to do everything in my life that I need to do (e.g. school stuff), but it's just mentally exhausting.

Dealing with bugs, new feature development, more design, fixing up UI ... I'm not entirely sure any one person should be subjected to these stresses. But it'll make me stronger, right?

In any case, the hit logging doesn't really work the way I wanted it to work. I'm going to redo that whole part. I'll also upload a new template today for use.

Today's goal:
1.) Plan econ paper for Turchi (15 pages!)
2.) Get new template for Tabulas
3.) Fix up logging
4.) Read two chapters of A-Chem (exam friday)
5.) Add "edit template" from pre-existing templates
6.) Begin planning the renovation of this "add entry" page

I feel especially bad as all this work has been taking a toll on my personal life. I know that a lot of people feel ... neglected in my life. I know I haven't really seen a lot of people. I hope that once this week is over, I will change that. I will try not to spend so much time on Tabulas.

Oh yeah, check out my gallery. I've added most of my webdesigns up there. Nothing new, except one of the new jobs I'm doing for an old friend here at Carolina.

Speaking of gallery, I had an idea the other night for a "shared" gallery of sorts. It'd be really nice if a bunch of people went to the same event, all took pictures, then were able to share an album into a larger "shared" gallery so one could see all the pictures.

Maybe that'll make it into pre-release ...
Posted by roy on April 8, 2003 at 06:26 AM | 4 Comments

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Comment posted on April 9th, 2003 at 01:58 AM
Re: Its on Mac and in IE...yes on my black BG, as i was using html div align tag intially, the texts somehow will turn out black (default eventough i had chose white in my css) and had to use the font attributes for it to show properly in Mac's, in doing that also, i disrupt the font size and color in other pple's friends page too.

ps: hey cool new layout, will test it out now. =)
Comment posted on April 8th, 2003 at 10:22 AM
yea man, i keep telling you things i see, but its already the shit, take your time.

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Comment posted on April 8th, 2003 at 06:38 AM
Hey man, chill out, tabulas is already superb as it is now, take your time ironing out the bugs and new features, those can wait, health is more important. (yup tt goes for me too) anyway, you should take a log and needed break after this week. rest and recover, i know all this are mentally draining, so take it easy, take care. see ya. thanks again.
Comment posted on April 8th, 2003 at 06:44 AM
Thanks man :)