i just realized if i wanted to be grammatically correct and type busy-ness, i would actually have to do business, which would be confusing with the real word, right?

well, sorry for not updating. after i got back from dallas i just got pretty busy. i'm starting to work on a new layout for the neopages.net community; once this new layout is implemented i think i can finally kick in my plans for neopages.net.

i also had a client meeting with assyst-bullmer today. we're finalizing details so the project i started a few months ago can finally go live. i'm really excited about this, not only because i was pretty much granted real full creative control, but also because of the scope of the project. plus i'm just really proud of the whole thing... in terms of funtionality, usability, simplicity, and elegance (well, i think so). can't wait to post the link so i can share with you guys.

i've also been doing some work for academic loan group, fixing up their pdfs and website (i created their site!).

on a related note, i updated my portfolio with about 3 old projects which i got around to screenshotting and uploading to the web. i know, i'm that lazy. :P

but i've been really itching to get my hosting business off the ground. i've been really working it hard, but i just don't see it coming together. it's just _too_ slow. i want it to come together this week.

the problem is that my current server is a RAQ (sorry excuse for a server, even its maker calls it a "web appliance" rather than a "server"). but to get serious about hosting i'm gonna have to fork over some money to buy a real cpu (intel/compaq [yes they make decent servers assuming you run linux on them]) ... which means i need seed money. which means i'll have to take a risk.

with all my previous so-called "business" ventures, i always had money to blow, so there was no risk. but this time i may have to loan from a friend to get the business off the ground. oigh.

plus i've been meaning to meet with some people so i can take my design company to the next level (and hopefully pass it off).

i was talking to my gf today and i mentioned thinking that all these projects ... all these ambitions ... had to be tough on her because it's less time I devoted to the relationship. but i love her so very much, so i'm going to try to balance out my life.

oh well. need more money, need more focus ...
Posted by roy on July 30, 2002 at 08:55 PM | Add a comment

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