ednakayama: i'm like a quarter azn, a quarter Asian, a quarter white, and one half child.
thug4life royboy: wait. that makes you 5/4 of a person
ednakayama: true dat.

I first met Ed Nakayama in Ms. Olgesby's 5th grade class. He was on of those "new students" who was showered with attention because he had moved. I always wanted to be one of those kids... anyway ... he said he had moved from Pittsburge and he loved to play baseball.

I was enthralled because he was the only other asian kid in my class (or something like that). But wait, he's actually half-asian. His dad is Japanese (and a great surgeon i hear) and his mom's white.

Anyway, our first project together was some weird science project that I don't really recall. All I remember is we bought a bunch of plastic army figures and we glued them to a board. And we had a few lights. Oh wait, maybe that was the project ... to make a lightbulb light up.


Ok, anyway. Ed and I became pretty good friends (I think) until middle school. Then this korean kid named PJ became Ed's best friend, and I was replaced.

Oh well. I moved on. Until high school.

Ed plays baseball and is very good-looking. He's also smart as hell and he's musically talented. Girls, he's a catch (if I say so myself). He attends Duke University and is double-majoring in chemistry and biology. If you want his contact info, e-mail me and I'll hook you up. Haha.

But you have to put up with his aloof behaviour. Ed is very ... smart. A bit too smart. He always says these obfuscated (ooh big word) things to me that I don't really understand, like yesterday's quote of the day. Well, I understood that one.

Anyway, Ed is my boy. He coo... and he's funny as hell.

So girls, line up. This is one hot item you don't want to miss out on. Oh yeah, he's 6'2" and weights 200 lbs (but that's all muscle from baseball!).

Ed has a younger brother in high school who's pretty much an exact replica of Ed. So if you're a "younger" girl I can hook you up in that area too. Hahahaha.

Ok enough of this. I'm off to make some prints.
Posted by roy on July 11, 2002 at 08:01 AM | Add a comment

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