So about 845 pm I get somewhat bored of surfing the web so I decide to go drinking with my buddies who had been drinking since 330pm. I don't plan on doing much drinking at all (if at all... those who know me in real life... the current count for drinking has been 1). It takes me an hour to get up to the bar by Sinchon (by Yonsei University). I was told there were two of my friends drinking and one dude I hadn't met yet. Let's call my friends A, B, and C. Apparently by that time, C, who also happened to the most smashed of the group, started hitting on a table of 4 girls (3 korean and one japanese). So basically all three boys were sitting with the girls. I must stress only B and C were "macking" on the girls while A was sitting there and smoking a cig and drinking. A's korean isn't that great.

Anyhow, what am I to do? There's no way I'm going back an hour, so I decide to chill out. I decide to play the part of "american who can't speak korean" to avoid any possible entanglements. I am simply there to observe.

Well after about half an hour of bantering, the group decide to go to a karaoke room. Greeaaat. The guys in their drunken state don't do the best job in keeping the girls entertained. So after a few hours... the girls are like "we're going to leave." it's obvious they hadn't had a good time.

C, who has taken a liking to one of the girls, asks for a phone number, and gets shot down. Of course, a simple "no" would of sufficed for him, but apparently the girl felt it necessary to use the excuse that she "lost her cellphone." Oh, wonderful. B had asked them a few minutes earlier if they wanted to watch the soccer game tomorrow... he was shot down.

Now i learned the hard way that inebriated guys who had been "macking" (aka led on) for a few hours don't take rejection likely. Me and A, who was pretty much sober, had a fun time keeping B and C their voices down. They were walking around yelling curses and kicking stuff over... oh boy. We got some food. Seeing as to how we were all about $40 cab fare away, we decide to go to a DVD bang, rent out two rooms, and sleep the night off. I actually ended up watching the DVDs that were played (Blue Streak and Vanilla Sky.. that movie only gets better as I watch it more and more!)... Afterwards B told me that two people in the room down the hall from his were having loud sex.

Oh wonderful. Anyway, C was still incredibly pissed in the morning... oh well. When the subways started runing at 530 am i had a fun hour subway ride back home. I got in about 630am, took a shower, and fell asleep. But I needed this night out.

Funny thing is I'm heading up to City Hall to photograph the World Cup fever today. I might run into them. Would be interesting.

But the thing is I could see how the guys (in their drunken state) were coming off as the "assholish weird guys you meet at bar/club" type. Hmm.

Oh well. Lessons learned... let's move on! I gotta run to COEX now and pick up about 8 rolls of Provia100F. Rock on. Then I'm going to go out and start photographing people. YES!
Posted by roy on June 18, 2002 at 08:15 AM in Ramblings | Add a comment

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